My Story
My Story: I Am Just A Worried Indian Girl, As To What The Dream Of Modi Jis Corruption Free India Will Look Like With Such PeopleRepresentational Image: qzprod�|� indianexpress
My Story

My Story: I Am Just A Worried Indian Girl, As To What The Dream Of Modi Ji's Corruption Free India Will Look Like With Such People

The Logical Indian
17 Nov 2016 6:00 AM GMT

“I write today as a very worried and frustrated INDIAN. I wonder what worse condition we would have to face in order to hope for a corruption free India. I greatly admire the decision he has taken against the black money eradication from our country. This is definitely a great initiative taken by him. But, there is always another side to every story. As an educated and aware citizen I am having no troubles in standing in long queues for withdrawing money from ATMs and banks. I have been standing since last 4 days at least for two and a half hours daily.

But for what? After hours of waiting in lines where the people standing ahead of me at least 10-20 people, each carrying 5-8 debit cards with them for withdrawal. I stood every day in line and till my turn came up, the atm was out of cash. Everyday the same story. Even I myself have more than one card, but as a responsible Indian I just carried one because I could see so many hundreds of people standing and waiting. Something very frustrating happened today while i was in a queue at a metro atm in Indirapuram Ghaziabad with one of my friends, where there was no guard and no one to manage.

Standing and waiting I saw 10-15 other people coming between the line from nowhere, some to break the line and enter and others giving their cards to their friends. When my friend went to manage things and requested people to please use one transaction per person, some people who from their looks and personality looked well educated and rich started abusing and shouting and threatening that they will continue to use 5-10 cards and that no one can stop them. I being a girl had to shout at the top of my voice to call my friend back because I saw 10 people overpowering and threatening a single person who was trying to manage an atm queue so that others don’t suffer. And even after calling the local police who called up 4-5 times asking about the address and did not turn up after even 2 hours of the chaos, people carrying 6 cards very comfortably took their money and left. While 50 other responsible and educated people like us kept waiting for hours and then left without money because atm obviously was out of cash.

I am not complaining, not even asking for a reply from someone. I am just a worried Indian, as to what the dream of Modi ji’s corruption free India will look like with such people? I just request the government and the banks to please take appropriate measures to ensure that there are enough people to manage things at banks and ATMs. Because the number of responsible and logical Indians I saw today, I am sorry to say and I feel very sad to say, is very very less.”

Submitted By – Kritika

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