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My Story: From Fighting Depression, Body-Shaming To Being Fitness Entrepreneur
My Story

My Story: 'From Fighting Depression, Body-Shaming To Being Fitness Entrepreneur'

Palak Agrawal
16 Sep 2020 7:24 AM GMT

Diksha Chhabra, 33, is a fitness entrepreneur, fitness influencer, a model and Mrs.India Earth 2017.

The day you stop competing with others for looks and body, you will find the real 'YOU'. Do not lose the good in you, lose the bad - the fat.

Married to an Army officer and mother to an eight-year-old, I devoted most of my time being a perfect homemaker and did not pay attention to my health or fitness.

Three years ago, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism ( when the body doesn't produce enough thyroid hormones) and PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Disease) which led to massive weight gain. I was close to 100 kilos and was just 29!

I was body-shamed on several occasions. It led to lack of confidence. The only thing I knew was...if things had to change, I had to change and had to take charge. I decided to change my lifestyle and most importantly my outlook towards food and exercise.

However, during the process, I found out that there was a lack of information regarding the right way to reach the desired weight and body goals. Also, there was an overload of misleading and vague information regarding health and diet.

I was determined to find out the right way to lose weight and then connected with the right trainers who mentored me with the workout plans, diets and training.

It was a long and arduous process from not being able to walk for even 2 kilometres to deadlift 100 kilograms and squat with 80 kilograms of weight.

Eventually, it did not just turn me into a healthy person with no hormonal problems, but it also helped me get rid of all the medications. After my transformation, I decided to help other women like myself who have been juggling the household and family, and in the process losing out on their health.

I founded Diksha Chhabra Fitness Consultations and have been a virtual trainer where I have trained people around the globe with customised wellness programs.

My fight did not end with attaining a healthy body. I was into strength training and weight lifting. This domain was predominately for men and it was a challenge for me to promote weight training to women.

There are many myths in the society regarding women lifting heavy weights which is considered an activity for "men". I had to change this perspective by applying what I was preaching. It was also a journey of breaking the stereotype!

Being a women entrepreneur in today's time has its own challenge. A woman is encouraged to be career-oriented but unlike men, she has to fit in the roles of a homemaker, a mother and a wife. Maintaining the right balance between career and family sometimes does take a lot of energy and efforts.

But my transformation from being a just a homemaker to an entrepreneur is a message for each and every woman that 'marriage' is not the end of one's aspirations and dreams. If you really want to do something and you think you have it in you, your self believe will make things happen.

You can follow Diksha on her social media handles: Website, Instagram, Facebook

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