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My Story: Beauty Has Nothing To Do With Looks, Its How You Are As A Person

Image Credits: Sommya Jain 

My Story

My Story: 'Beauty Has Nothing To Do With Looks, It's How You Are As A Person'

Tashafi Nazir
31 Dec 2021 7:17 AM GMT

Sommya Jain was a born dancer. However, she was diagnosed with Haemangioma (a noncancerous tumor made up of blood vessels appearing on the surface of the skin). She eventually defeated this life-threatening condition to earn a new phase in life. Jain is now a renowned social media influencer, with her dance videos crossing views in millions.

I have been dancing since I was four. Mom and dad would often take me to community functions, where I would dance my heart out.

It was in 1997, my face started to look different. When doctors examined my skin, it began to burn. I was diagnosed with Haemangioma (a noncancerous tumor made up of blood vessels appearing on the surface of the skin) and its symptoms started appearing on my right cheek. I was just nine years old at that time.

Complicated Surgeries And Medical Procedures

Unlike other kids, I have spent my entire childhood and teenage years in hospital beds. It's not easy to go through numerous complicated medical surgeries and procedures like Angiography in such early stages of life. It is way too draining and leads to immense trauma. But I have had strong willpower, or I would say, I learned it from my parents.

They have been my pillar of strength throughout my entire medical journey of 14 years. My father would always say, " You are a sherni (lioness). Nothing is going to happen to you." I always feel that my parents gave me life, not just birth, and they proved it right every time. Because of their invaluable support, I have always entered operation theatres without crying or any fear.

Back To My Childhood Passion

When I started feeling better, I got back to dancing again. Initially, I uploaded my videos on TikTok. But when the app got banned in India, I started doing it on other platforms like YouTube and Instagram. The videos went viral and hit views in millions. Even celebrities like Madhuri Dixit, Neha Kakkar, B Praak, Rohan Preet, Aly Goni praised my dance and shared my videos.

I have always believed that I am the most beautiful girl in the world. It was true when 80% of my face got disfigured after operations. It's true now when my face is better after plastic surgeries. I see myself as a confident and motivated person because I have never given much importance to outer beauty. My goal is always to improve and grow day by day.

People should learn to love themselves, embrace their flaws because God made us in a certain way. A person should be beautiful from the inside, and only that matters. Beauty has nothing to do with looks. It's all about how you are as a person from within.

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