My Story
My Story: I Was 8 Years Old When I Decided To Join The Army, And One Day, I Did

Image Credit: Major Prajakta Desai

My Story

My Story: 'I Was 8 Years Old When I Decided To Join The Army, And One Day, I Did'

Ratika Rana
21 Feb 2022 12:53 PM GMT

Major Prajakta Desai became the first woman officer of the Indian Army to become an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Observer in 2020. She was just eight years old when she dreamt of joining the Indian Army, and she made her dreams come true.

When I was eight years old, I watched the movie 'Border' and told my father that I wanted to become an Army Officer, and my father said, ' One day, you will'. Like all children, when I was young, I was attracted to beauty pageants, but that eventually faded off. What stayed with me was the drive of becoming an Army Officer. My mother was an NCC cadet during her time; therefore, I also joined the Air-wing NCC from 2007 to 2009. I got to understand what the Armed Forces entail. I also got an opportunity to fly microlight aircraft and sail-planes (gliders).

My Rank Was 21, And The Seats Were 10

By the time I completed my graduation and my three years in the NCC, I had come across several like-minded people. Since my peer group had the same goal as mine, it helped me stay focused on my objective. As a teenager, you are like an unguided missile, but my friends always kept me on the right path. I gave my CDS exam in 2009, and by the end of the year, I went for the SSB interview and medical. When the merit was out, my rank was 21, and the seats for the academy were only 10. I lost all hope at the back of my mind because seats never doubled. Moreover, if they doubled, the count would be 20, and I was 21. But, when you are destined to be somewhere, nothing can stop you.

You Have To Earn The Respect Of Your Troops

So, the seats increased to 20, and I started working at a BPO to meet the family's financial needs. I was lucky that the seats ultimately grew to 23 or 24. I joined the academy two weeks later. In the Officers' Training Academy, you are just a cadet; it does not matter if you are a male or female. OTA Chennai is a place that requires more mental stamina than the physical one. The latter, anyone can develop with time. After a year of rigorous training, I finally booked my parents' ticket to attend my passing out parade. After my commissioning in 2011, I served with the Army Air Defence for one year, and then, I was posted to Army Aviation Corps, where I did for the next nine years. In the Unit, you have to earn the respect of your troops by being a competent officer who knows the job well. I became a part of them by playing sports and handling their weapons.

In my ten years in the Army, I have served in the country's Northern, Eastern, and Western parts. They say that the Indian Army is a way of life, not just a mere profession. After a rewarding career, I feel so happy when I see young girls dream of becoming Army Officers because if I could do it, anyone can do it.

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