My Story
#MyStory: You Can Be The Lifesaving Match For My Son Juhit Who Has A Rare Blood Disorder
My Story

#MyStory: You Can Be The Lifesaving Match For My Son Juhit Who Has A Rare Blood Disorder

Apurwa Shrivastava
23 Oct 2020 3:19 AM GMT

"Please do register as a blood stem cell donor to help my son and other blood disorder patients like him."

Every day, I wake up with a hope to get the news that someone, somewhere has been found as a blood stem cell match for my 5-year-old son, Juhit. But, unfortunately, the struggle doesn't seem to end anytime soon. My son was born healthy and we were super excited to become parents for the first time and felt that life can't get any better. But, like they say life has its own plans, and so the most unpredictable and unfortunate phase of our life began when my son who was just 9 months old was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder called Pure Red Cell Aplasia (a disease in which the bone marrow fails to produce red cells in the blood.)

At such a tender age he has to undergo blood transfusions every month. Being a mother, I feel devastated to see my little baby going through so much pain and the only way he can survive is 'you'. His only hope for a cure is a Stem Cell Transplant from a matching donor. Despite his illness, Juhit is a happy kid just like any other child of his age and has big aspirations and dreams in life. His dreams and ambitions are ever-growing; he wants to be everything, from being a pilot to an engineer just like his dad and build houses. He is always smiling and makes us laugh with his funny acts and innocent talks.

I am waiting for a lifesaving donor for my son who can help him lead a normal life as a 5-year-old. As parents, we want nothing more than to see our baby fulfil his dreams, enjoy his childhood and spend memorable moments with his family and friends. I am certain that we can win this battle with YOUR help. It just takes five minutes of your time to sign up; please do register as a blood stem cell donor to help my son and other blood disorder patients like him. Your one swab can be a defining moment in the life of a patient waiting for a lifesaving match.

People who are willing to take a step and fit the eligibility criteria can register at All you need to do is complete a consent form and swab the inside of your cheeks to collect your tissue cells. DKMS laboratory will then analyze your tissue type and your details will be available in the global search for blood stem cell donors. If you do come up as a suitable donor, DKMS-BMST will get in touch with you straight away. Once you come up as a match, blood stem cells will be obtained from the bloodstream using a procedure called Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Collection, which is similar to a blood donation wherein only your stem cells are taken. This is a very safe, non-surgical outpatient procedure.

So, let's come together and help save lives!

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