Lifetime Commitment: Same-Sex Doctors  Set To Tie The Knot In Goa

Image Credits: ANI


'Lifetime Commitment': Same-Sex Doctors Set To Tie The Knot In Goa

Akanksha Saxena
7 Jan 2022 11:47 AM GMT

Surbhi Mitra and Paromita Mukherjee vowed to spend their lives together during a 'Commitment Ring Ceremony' and their families have accepted them with open arms.

Two doctors named Surbhi Mitra and Paromita Mukherjee got engaged in Nagpur last week with a 'Commitment Ring'. They have vowed to spend the rest of their lives together, much to everyone's joy years after the archaic Section 377 was struck down by the Supreme Court.

Mukherjee said, "We call this relationship a 'lifetime commitment'. We are planning our wedding in Goa.

According to the news publication, Paromita Mukherjee came out to her family in 2013. "My father knew about my sexual orientation in 2013. When I told my mother recently, she was shocked. But later, she agreed because she wants me to be happy," she said.

On the contrary, Surbhi Mitra supported her decision wholeheartedly and welcomed the couple with open arms. Mitra said, "There was never any opposition to my sexual orientation from my family. When I told my parents, they were happy. I'm a psychiatrist, and many people talk to me about living a dual life because they couldn't take a stand for themselves."

Support From Family Members

In 2018, homosexuality was decriminalised when the Supreme Court abolished the draconian Section 377. While this is a great matter of pride for India, there is still a long way to go regarding acceptance and equality. Even till now, same-sex marriage is not yet recognised in the country.

However, this has not stopped couples to celebrate their undying love. In December 2021, Abhay Dang and Supriyo Chakraborty got married in a private ceremony at the outskirts of Hyderabad, with all their family and friends blessing them. Photos of the happy couple went viral on all social media platforms spreading joy everywhere.

According to The Indian Express, the ceremony was a perfect blend of Bengali and Punjabi traditions, and it was nothing short of beautiful. The couple applied Mehendi on their hands. They live together happily, hoping the country will legalise same-sex marriages soon.

Also Read: Pronounced 'Husband & Husband': Gay Couple Ties Knot For The First Time In Telangana

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