Manipal Hospitals Offers Exclusive, Cost-Effective Teleconsultation Services For Trans Community

Image Credits: Manipal Hospitals


Manipal Hospitals Offers Exclusive, Cost-Effective Teleconsultation Services For Trans Community

Tashafi Nazir
1 April 2022 8:29 AM GMT

Manipal Hospitals will enable the community to speak out on issues related to skin inferiority, sexual reassignment surgeries, voice feminisation surgery, the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS, discussing sexual choices and genital-related concerns without any fear of judgement.

Gender discrimination has made medical care an uphill task for members of the transgender community. There are a few rejections by many medical providers or practitioners because of their gender and choices. Breaking this bias, Manipal Hospitals has offered exclusive services for transgender people and has made efforts to bridge the gap between trans individuals and medical practitioners to better their physical and mental health.

As part of this initiative, Manipal Hospitals launched a teleconsultation service on Transgender Day of Visibility on March 31. On this day, the Hospital welcomed the transgender community to voice their health concerns.

The initiative has so far witnessed 60 members lined up for these services. Among these are renowned transgender activists, and one of them is Akkai Padmashali, a transgender activist and the first person from the community in Karnataka to register their marriage.

Breaking Monotony

Speaking on the initiative, Karthik Rajagopal, COO, Manipal Hospitals, said, "We understand the challenges faced by transgender people, and we have always been on the forefront to break the monotony. We want every member of this community to break their silence and share their needs with our experts. This is an attempt to clear the medical roadblocks for transgender people and openly share their health concerns. We are making an effort to provide medical care to the community in a timely and cost-effective manner."

Teleconsultations were initiated on March 31 and will continue till April 2, 2022, from 10 am to 5 pm, where specialists will answer the queries, Manipal Hospitals stated in a press release shared with The Logical Indian.

100 Per Cent Confidentiality

According to the 2011 census, India has nearly 4.88 lakh, transgender persons. But the healthcare they have received from the medical fraternity is the bare minimum. Manipal Hospitals will enable the community to speak out on issues related to skin inferiority, sexual reassignment surgeries, voice feminisation surgery, the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS, discussing sexual choices and genital-related concerns without any fear of judgement.

The teleconsultation program is curated for their comfort with an easy 2-step registration process and assures 100 per cent confidentiality.

Members of the trans community can reach out to a dedicated phone number to avail of the video consultation service at a nominal consultation fee of Rs 250. Transgender people worldwide can access this platform to address their medical needs.

Transgender activist Padmashali said, "Manipal Hospitals has always remained unique in their initiative and supported us by covering up to 3000 members for vaccination as a value add. The video consultation with a nominal fee of Rs 250 is a welcoming step for our trans community." The activist added, "I have registered for consultation and appreciate the efforts of the doctors who will be addressing mental health specifically and the general health issues with gender transformation surgeries."

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