First In World! Scotland Adopts LGBTQ-Inclusive School Curriculum

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First In World! Scotland Adopts LGBTQ-Inclusive School Curriculum

Ratika Rana
2 Oct 2021 6:06 AM GMT

The schools in the country will teach the students about LGBTQIA movements and equalities and would tackle homophobia and transphobia.

Scotland became the first country to announce the inclusion of a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Queer (LGBTQ) friendly syllabus in the school curriculum. The recommendations of a working group were led by the Time for Inclusive Education(TIE) Campaign. The campaigners described the decision as a revolutionary announcement in the fight for equality. The government will grant no exception or allow any opt-outs, and a revised LGBTQ-friendly curriculum would be embedded across all subjects.

Scotland Decriminalized Homosexuality in 1980

According to the international news publication The Guardian, a statement by the Scottish government mentioned, "Our education system must support everyone to reach their full potential. That is why the curriculum must be as diverse as the young people who learn in our schools." Scotland has been repeatedly ranked as one of the best countries in matters relating to LGBTQ protections. However, only in 1980, the country decriminalises homosexuality, 13 years after England and Wales.

The announcement came after several women wrote to Education Secretary Damian Hinds warning that the Westminster government's sex education plans were doomed for failure unless radically revised. In May this year, the Welsh government had announced a complete overhaul of relationship and sex education in schools. They planned to include the LGBTQ curriculum in the subjects instead of teaching them separately.

Inclusive Curriculum Would Provide A Better Learning Environment

Former Scottish Labour Leader Kezia Dugdale described Scotland as having the 'gayest Parliament in the World'. The progressive move was announced in the country in 2018 when ministers accepted having LGBTQ inclusive education for young students to provide a better and more inclusive learning environment to them. The classes on LGBT history and issues from 2021 will make students aware of LGBTQ movements.

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