Karnataka: Transwomans NGO Nammane Summane Gives Shelter To Homeless People

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Karnataka: Transwoman's NGO 'Nammane Summane' Gives Shelter To Homeless People

Akanksha Saxena
2 Feb 2022 1:24 PM GMT

A mechanical engineer named Nakshatra was ostracised by her family when she embraced herself as a transwoman. Now, she aims to raise money to save the shelter home that proved to be a safe haven for several people on the road

The LGBTQIA+ community in the past has not been included in mainstream society. They have been ostracised not just by their loved ones but also by society due to a lack of sensitisation about their issues. Not just the members from this community, but many policies have left the community out several times.

The mammoth disparity was evident during COVID-19. The deadly virus brought about the despair of every kind. Health and economic woes left the marginalised communities scrambling for necessary resources to keep themselves sustained.

However, the past year has seen angels in disguises. People from different walks of life came together to help those in dire need during the pandemic. One of them is a transwoman named Nakshatra, who provided a haven for the homeless and needy in Bengaluru's Gangondanahalli village.

Home For Each And Everyone

For Nakshatra, life has been nothing short of hurdles. She is a mechanical engineer and comes from a reputed family. Speaking to The Logical Indian, Nakshatra recalls her struggles, "My gender became an issue in my family. I am my parents' single child, and my family abandoned me at the age of 18."

Without any assistance, Nakshatra had to fend for herself. She lived on the streets for 3-4 months. "I was looking for accommodation, a shelter for myself. Then, I realised how difficult it would be for a homeless person and the pain they go through daily," she adds. This cause motivated her to develop a solution that provided a home and education to each and everyone, irrespective of their origins.

Nakshatra started the NGO called 'Nammane Sammane' in 2020 as an inclusive orphanage for all. "It is India's first orphanage that is registered, legalised, that is taking care of people free of cost. 'Nammane Summane' is an orphanage where there is no division of gender and class, and everybody is welcomed here," she continues her conversation with The Logical Indian. It provides beds, education to children, food to eat, and necessary healthcare facilities to the people.

Difficulties Faced After Pandemic

As a single person running the shelter home, Nakshatra struggled to build the place because of who she is. Her difficulties increased when COVID-19 knocked at the world's doors. She explains, "The pandemic came in like a storm which made it difficult for us to survive on day to day basis. Not only did it hit the middle-class people of India terribly, but it was also like a nightmare for the poor and oppressed. For people in the LGBTQ+ community, getting through the day was tough. People had no financial or emotional support from their families. My community was suffering immensely."

Nakshatra put all her life savings on the line to save the organisation. "Currently, like an orphanage, we are going through some tough times. Since we live in the city's outskirts, we do not have day-to-day resources, from rations to food. I have run out of funds to continue helping the people in my NGO and expanding my support to others. I don't want this to be the end of the road for my project," she says. She approached different people to help her keep the NGO afloat.

Her goal is to raise ₹10 lakhs. Close to ₹1,50,000 has been submitted, and there is still a long way to go. Appealing to the public, Nakshatra concludes, "Although I've been treated by society, I still believe that there are good people out there. Hence I come to you with a humble request. I urge you to help me in this quest of changing the lives of the poor."

Also Read: Fighting All Odds! 'Dancing Queens' Battle Stigma To Become India's First Transgender Dance Troupe

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