Violence Against Transgender People Is Everywhere: Gender-Based Brutality Rising, Heres How Activists React

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'Violence Against Transgender People Is Everywhere': Gender-Based Brutality Rising, Here's How Activists React

Ronit Kumar Singh
19 Oct 2022 7:19 AM GMT

In a tragic incident, two transgender women in Tamil Nadu faced brutal attacks. Reportedly, they were out begging when goons attacked them, chopped their hair off, removed their clothes, and beat them up severely.

In recent times, there has been a spike in cases of violence against transgender in India. Several incidents came to the forefront only when LGBTQ+ activists took cognisance of the matter. Two transgender women, on October 7, faced brutal attacks in the Thoothkudi district of Tamil Nadu.

According to reports, both transgender people were out begging when goons attacked them, chopped their hair off, removed their clothes and beat them up severely. The incident came to light only on October 13 when transgender and Dalit rights activist Grace Banu shared the video of the incident on Twitter.

Frequent Incidents Of Violence Against Trans Persons

In another incident, five transgender persons, on October 7, were physically attacked during a Durga Puja event in Agartala, Tripura. Reportedly, two women heckled trans persons by calling their names in a defamatory manner. However, all five trans persons left the space ignoring the abuse and insult that was showered on them by those women.

Suddenly, a group of over 30 men started physically assaulting trans persons. They were beaten up, and no one came to the rescue. In whatever way possible, all five transgender people escaped the attack and left the event. Later, a First Information Report (FIR) was filed at the West Agartala Women's Police Station.

Similar incidents of violence against transgender persons are reported frequently across India. On October 16, another brutality against transgender people came into the spotlight when a transgender activist posted the incident on social media. According to reports, two trans women who work as sex workers were assaulted in the Tiruchirappalli district of Tamil Nadu.

While talking with The Logical Indian, a Bengaluru-based transgender activist, Rakshitha Mallikarjuna, said, "The transgender people are still facing a lot of issues and challenges in society as violence is everywhere. It keeps on increasing by neighbours and police. Transgender people are also not treated the right way at workplaces because we are given employment opportunities based on sympathy and empathy."

What Is The Way Ahead?

The increasing violence against trans persons signifies the need for social acceptance or co-existence. Mallikarjuna said, "To tackle the rising violence, awareness is the most crucial part. What we set for the younger generation shapes the way they think about gender, respect and human rights. We should start conversations about gender roles early on and challenge the traditional features and characteristics assigned to transgender people.

She added, "Point out the stereotypes children constantly encounter, whether in the media, on the street or at the school, and let them know that it's fine to be different. Encourage a culture of acceptance."

Recently, India has witnessed several awareness campaigns that aim to bring change and drive societal transformation. The effort is to educate the younger generation, who are the future of this country. However, collective effort from society is the utmost priority to bring development and break the taboo against transgender people.

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