Uttar Pradesh: First Toilet For Transgender Persons Built In Varanasi

Image Credits: NDTV

Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh: First Toilet For Transgender Persons Built In Varanasi

Palak Agrawal
19 Feb 2021 4:31 AM GMT

According to media reports, the toilet was built at a cost of ₹5 lakh and officials privy to the matter mentioned that the government is planning to build four more such toilets in different locations of the city.

A first-of-its-kind toilet for the transgender persons has been set up by the Uttar Pradesh government in the Kamachha area of Varanasi.

The facility has been built under the Smart city project to cater to the specific needs and ensure the participation of the trans community in the cleanliness of the city. NDTV reported that it was inaugurated by Mayor Mridula Jaiswal on Thursday, February 18.

"It is the first transgender toilet in Uttar Pradesh. We will build more wherever they are required," Jaiswal said.

Reports have stated that the toilet was built at a cost of ₹5 lakh and officials privy to the matter mentioned that the government is planning to build four more such toilets in different locations of the city.

Meanwhile, Varanasi Municipal Commissioner Gaurang Rathi said, "It is easy to find a community toilet for men and women in the city. But there was a dearth of a toilet for transgender people. So a transgender-only toilet was built."

"This has been done in order to promote all kinds of inclusivity in the Prime Minister's constituency," he added.

Speaking to reporters, one of the members of the community, Roshni said that they were thankful to the Varanasi Nagar Nigam for providing them with the facility. In the absence of a toilet specifically for the trans community, they had to face lots of difficulties and urged them to have these in every city.

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