Overcoming Immense Hardships! Meet The First Transgender Student To Pass Tamil Nadu Class 10 Boards

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Tamil Nadu

Overcoming Immense Hardships! Meet The First Transgender Student To Pass Tamil Nadu Class 10 Boards

Shashwat Swaroop Garg
27 Jun 2022 8:08 AM GMT

Born as Ranjith and the elder kid of her parents, Nivetha had a tough and lonely battle in front of her as a transwoman. The student of Lady Willingdon Higher School scored 42.4% in the boards, but these marks are nothing short of an achievement if you look at her uphill battles.​

A Nivetha, who is the only transgender student to write the Class 10 board examination in Tamil Nadu, passed the exam. The student of Lady Willingdon Higher School scored only 42.4 per cent in the boards, but these marks are nothing short of an achievement, as her journey to get here has not been easy.

In a report by The New Indian Express, when Nivetha revealed to her parents that she was a transwoman at the age of 14, she was not ready to fight a long and lonely battle.

About Nivetha

Nivetha, who is 18 years old, said, "I was born as Ranjith and was the elder son of my parents. Like other parents, they too had a lot of expectations from their son, even more so as they are poor." She also said that when she came out to her parents as a transwoman, they were traumatised, and there were many fights between them and her as they were not ready to accept her and that she ultimately had to leave her home one day.

But after Nivetha passed Class 10th, her parents are happy now. She said, "I informed my parents about my results, and they were very happy." She also added that she wants to pursue the science stream and make a career in this stream.

When talking about her experience after coming out as a transwoman, she said, "Since childhood, I liked wearing bangles of my mother and draping her sarees, but when I was in Class IX, I was not able to continue as a boy." She added that it was the most difficult phase of her life, and she had to discontinue her studies for a while after coming out.

Nivetha said, "A neighbour gave me the address of a transgender person living in Triplicane, Sambhavi Akka (who is another transgender person), who helped me resume studies." She said that she stays with her and that she also takes care of her expenses. Nivetha also credited her teachers and friends from her school for her success and said, "Nobody ever made fun of me at school. All teachers were very cooperative."

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