Good To Know
Efforts For Good: A Transparent Community-Funding Platform Thats Redesigning Philanthropic Experience!

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Good To Know

Efforts For Good: A Transparent Community-Funding Platform That's Redesigning Philanthropic Experience!

Anusha Ramesh
21 Feb 2022 1:34 PM GMT

EFG lets people discover and contribute to high-impact projects implemented by hand-picked specialised non-profits across six focused sectors.

Over the years, challenges like global climate change, Covid-19 pandemic, etc., have demanded collective action on an unprecedented scale. While technology has provided us with new tools to address these obstacles, it has also created new social problems. Every day more and more charities come up in the online space making it harder for people to identify the legitimate ones.

Changing times have made philanthropy harder. Due to the rise in malpractice cases, there has been an increase in demand for transparency from philanthropists. Many people have started to question each charity's effectiveness and authenticity, which has led to a loss of faith in the fundraising sector. Organisations now need to adapt to changing times to speak the same language as their philanthropists. This is done by crafting compelling narratives about their roles and finding models and approaches to gain trust and answer to criticism.

Contrary to popular belief, philanthropy isn't only for the rich. Anyone can donate their money, time and experience to make a difference in the world. To ensure that philanthropy is not merely seen as a tool for the powerful to entrench their advantage, it is crucial to address the inequality in society. To do so, developing various models of contributions that have complete transparency so that people and communities can support these networked movements without stifling them, becomes vital. These steps could help to democratise philanthropy even further.

Efforts For Good (EFG), a moderated and focused community-funding platform, is designed on a recurring monthly contribution model. EFG offers a completely redesigned and online philanthropic experience. It lets people discover and contribute to high-impact projects implemented by hand-picked specialised non-profits across six focused sectors. EFG believes in complete transparency and integrity, which is achieved through constant updates.

EFG focuses on community building. There is no minimum contribution limit, which means every amount is considered a valuable contribution. Its mission and vision are to make the world a better place by being honest and open about its procedures and operations, not cutting corners, and remaining considerate of the philanthropist's expectations. Click here to know more about EFG and start your journey of becoming a philanthropist today!

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