New Lease Of Life! 19-Year-Old Receives Heart Donation Within 14 Minute Green Corridor Operation 

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New Lease Of Life! 19-Year-Old Receives Heart Donation Within 14 Minute Green Corridor Operation 

Laxmi Mohan Kumar
1 Sep 2022 3:34 AM GMT

In positive news, a 19-year-old's life has been saved through a green corridor operation which covered 9.2 kms in Delhi traffic within a short span of 14 minutes, carrying a 55-year-old brain-dead patient's live heart.

During the peak traffic hours in Delhi, it may seem like an impossible task to cover 9.2kms within the nick of time and save the life of a patient in dire need of an organ transplant.

However, the team of doctors and other staff of Fortis Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, Okhla and All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi, have managed to achieve this and give a new lease of life to a 19-year-old patient. The team was able to act efficiently after being alerted by the National Organ Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO).

Life From A 55-Year-Old To A 19-Year-Old

A team led by expert doctors from the Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, Okhla and AIIMS hospital, Delhi, were able to retrieve a live donor heart from a 55-year-old brain-dead woman and transplant it to a 19-year-old boy.

The team was alerted by the NOTTO on a possible cadaveric heart donor in AIIMS, soon after which they left at 5:48 pm and were able to complete the 9.2kms within 14 minutes. Coordinating with the Delhi Police, they were able to create a green corridor, which is a special route managed to ensure medical services reach hospitals in time. The service is particularly put in place for organ transplantations as it has to be carried out within a limited time.

The traffic department collaborates with the necessary teams and ensures that the route between the hospitals is clear with green signals and can reach the place in a much less stipulated time.

Based on this green corridor operation, it was possible to transport the live heart to Fortis-Escorts Heart Institute by 6:02 pm. The team who was involved in the organ transfer are renowned medical professionals, including Dr Z S Meharwal, Executive Director and Head of Adult Cardiac Surgery, VAD & Heart Transplantation Programme, Dr Vishal Rastogi, Head, Heart Failure Clinic, and Dr Naveen Saraf, Director, Cardio Thoracic Vascular Surgery.

As per the report by the Hindustan Times, the 19-year-old has been suffering from cardiac problems for the past one and half years and was being treated by Dr Meharwal. Fortunately, the patient was able to find a compatible donor when his situation was turning critical and was saved by the timely operation.

Also Read: Act To Save Lives! Manipal Hospital Launches Organ Donation Initiative, Invites People To Register

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