What Connects Subhas Chandra Bose With Manipurs Moirang?

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What Connects Subhas Chandra Bose With Manipur's Moirang?

Akanksha Saxena
15 April 2022 12:30 PM GMT

Chandra Kumar Bose, Netaji's grandnephew, has asked PM Narendra Modi to declare April 14 as 'Victory Day' to commemorate the efforts of the 'Azad Hind Fauj' in Manipur during the British Rule.

Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose's legacy is remembered by every Indian worldwide. He played an integral part in the country's freedom struggle with his involvement in the Indian National Army (INA), also known as the 'Azad Hind Fauj.' Indian nationalists formed the army to fight British rule during World War II.

His grandnephew, Chandra Kumar Bose, recently appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to declare April 14 as 'Victory Day' to commemorate Subhas Chandra Bose's efforts in the freedom struggle. The day holds significance in Manipur, especially in a town south of Imphal called Moirang, where the Indian National Army played an integral role in freeing it from British rule.

What Is The Significance Of Moirang?

Moirang was a part of the British empire until the Azad Hind Fauj recaptured a town and a part of Nagaland from their clutches on April 14, 1944. Many, including Britishers, believed that it was one of the most challenging and brutal fights. The courageous Indian National Army outnumbered them that Subhas Chandra Bose led.

Thus, this was momentous in Moirang's history. According to Wikipedia, Subhas Chandra Bose and Colonel Shaukat Malik hoisted the tricolour for the first time on Indian soil. The historic occasion was attended by several members of the INA, including a man named Mairembam Koireng Singh, who went on to become Manipur's first Chief Minister. Three years later, India attained independence from colonial rule.

Pay Tribute To INA Soldiers

In the Hindustan Times, Chandra Kumar Bose emphasized Indians remember this feat. "Older generations seem to have forgotten, and hardly anyone in today's generation knows about April 14's significance. If it hadn't been for this milestone, we might not have been here today," he said.

Sharing the petition on Change.org, he added that paying a befitting tribute to the soldiers is imperative. Bose states, "We owe it to 26000 INA soldiers from different religions, caste and creeds who united India and laid down their lives for her freedom. We owe it to their descendants who are among us."

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