Birsa Munda: Revisiting The Legacy Of Iconic Tribal Leader And Freedom Fighter

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Birsa Munda: Revisiting The Legacy Of Iconic Tribal Leader And Freedom Fighter

Mrinalini Kaushik
11 Jun 2022 4:30 AM GMT

Munda is remembered as one of the greatest tribal freedom fighters who led Mundas and Kurukh tribal communities towards tribal rights and identity. He died in prison after getting arrested for revolting against the British.

Birsa Munda was a tribal leader and the creator of an alternative faith called 'Birsait', who belonged to the Munda tribe in the Jharkhand region, the then Bengal Presidency.

Munda's death anniversary is observed on June 9 every year. He was the first tribal freedom fighter, considered a significant figure in India's struggle for tribal identities and rights since independence. He died in prison after getting arrested for revolting against the British.

Rejecting Christianity

One of the lesser-known facts about Birsa Munda was his rejection of Christian Missionaries and conversion activities in tribal areas.

He was an exemplary student, so his father Sugana Munda put him in the German Mission School, where he was converted to Christianity and named Birsa David. When the seeds of freedom against the British erupted in the late 1800s, Birsa's father withdrew him from the school and left Christianity, and they went back to their traditional tribal religion.

As Birsa was negatively affected by Christianity, he offered an alternative faith called 'Birsait'. He was shocked at the British government and Christian Church's forced religious conversions.

Many tribal people converted to his religion, and he became the representative of their tribal religion and was considered a healer.

Fighting For Tribal Roots

The Munda revolt, led by Birsa Munda, was against the 'unfair land-grabbing activities' performed by the British government, which aimed to destroy tribal land, livelihoods and cultural roots.

To establish surplus farming, the Britishers introduced a new agricultural system encouraging non-tribal peasants to grow on prosperous lands of the indigenous tribals. The alienation of tribals from their land and livelihood enraged Birsa Munda.

Birsa announced himself as the Prophet for the Munda tribe and vowed to fight. He wanted to establish a kingdom for the tribals called 'Munda Raj'. The Munda tribe started revering him as 'Dharati Aba', meaning the father of the earth. Around 7000 tribal men and women followed him into battle in 1899 to form the revolution.

The revolutionary tremors spread to Khunti, Basia and even Ranchi. Unfortunately, he was arrested in February 1900 and died in jail.

Revered Tribal Hero

Marking his birth anniversary on November 15, 2021, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Navaljit Kapoor, remarked, "Birsa Munda fought bravely against the corrupt system of the British colonial system. He spearheaded the movement against British oppression," as reported by The New Indian Express.

On the occasion of his death anniversary on June 9, 2022, the Tribal Army tweeted, "Birsa Munda was a visionary and first Tribal Freedom Fighter who fought for the independence of the country and against the explanation of Britishers for Jal, Jangal and Jameen and maintain of the Adivasis."

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