World Heart Day 2022: All You Need To Know About Maintaining Heart Health

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World Heart Day 2022: All You Need To Know About Maintaining Heart Health

Ankita Singh
29 Sep 2022 1:05 PM GMT

More than 60 percent of all deaths in India is due to lifestyle diseases and out of these, 26% deaths are because of Cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one cause of death on the planet claiming 17.9 million lives each year. More than 60 percent of all deaths in India is due to lifestyle diseases and out of these, 26% deaths are because of Cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, the good news is that by eating plant-based foods and by monitoring a few vital parameters regularly, we can completely prevent Heart Attacks.

Blockages In Our Arteries

The innermost lining of our arteries is made up of endothelial cells. The endothelium serves as a barrier for the blood vessel and is involved in the regulation of blood flow. Endothelial cells release a compound known as nitric oxide that control vascular relaxation and contraction as well as enzymes that control blood clotting and ensure the smooth circulation of the blood. The inception of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) occurs with injury to the endothelial lining of arteries. So the first step of CAD is the damage to the endothelial cell wall. Our food is one of the main contributors to the health of the endothelial cells and our arteries.

A diet that is filled with oils, deep fried foods, animal protein, dairy products, sugar and caffeine will initiate endothelial injury and depletes production of nitric oxide that protects endothelium. On the contrary, when we have a diet filled with antioxidants, phytonutrients, minerals and vitamins which is found in abundance in plant foods like fruits and vegetables, it promotes the healthy functioning of endothelial cells. Every time we eat, we have an opportunity to either heal and improve the health of endothelial cells or create more damage and increase blockages. Apart from food, lifestyle habits like smoking, being inactive and taking excessive stress can also add up to the formation of plaques in arteries & veins.

Five Foods That Worsens Heart Disease

  1. Deep fried foods - Fried foods increased the risk of heart attack and stroke due to presence of high saturated fats. And the more fried foods you eat, the greater your risk.
  2. Processed/Junk foods - Trans fats in these foods increase obesity, diabetes and hyperlipidaemia risk and the high salt content increases blood pressure.
  3. Animal protein - Animal foods seem to injure blood vessels as they are very high in chronic inflammation. Hence one should avoid them to minimize their risk of coronary artery disease.
  4. Sugary products - High amounts of sugar overload the liver. Over time, this can lead to a greater accumulation of fat, which may turn into fatty liver disease, a contributor to diabetes, which raises your risk for heart disease.
  5. Dairy products - Milk and other dairy products are the top sources of artery-clogging saturated fat. Milk products also contain cholesterol. Diets high in saturated fat and cholesterol increase the risk of heart disease.

Five Foods That Reverses Heart Disease

  1. Green leafy vegetables - Green leafy vegetables are high in vitamin K and nitrates, which can help reduce blood pressure and improve arterial function.
  2. Nuts & Seeds - Nuts and seeds contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids which are beneficial for the heart.
  3. Beetroot - Beetroot juice is one of the richest dietary sources of nitrates, which help improve blood flow and heart health. As such, the nitrates in beet juice may help improve blood flow and exercise ability in patients with heart failure.
  4. Pomegranate - Pomegranate protects the heart and arteries. It improves blood flow and keeps the arteries from becoming stiff and thick. It may also slow the growth of plaque and buildup of cholesterol in the arteries.
  5. Carrots - As an excellent source of potassium, carrot juice can help you maintain a healthy cholesterol level. Lower cholesterol levels reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Five Vital Parameters For Heart Health

  1. Lipid Profile - Lipid profile is generally what majority people are aware of, however they do not give much attention or importance to the good cholesterol i.e HDL value. Majority will focus on reducing their cholesterol levels however not focusing on increasing the HDL. It is the good cholesterol that cleans the arteries and helps avoid a heart attack.
  2. Homocysteine - One of the important blood tests that people are not aware of is Homocysteine. High homocysteine is one of the few reasons for sudden heart attacks. It is recommended to be checked once a year. The normal range of homocysteine is below 15.
  3. Lipoprotein (a) - Under LDL or the bad cholesterol there are large and small particles. It is the small particles that cause more damage to our arteries & blood vessels and thereby increase our risk for coronary heart disease or a stroke. A way to measure those is Lipoprotein (a), a simple blood test.
  4. C-reactive protein - One test that measures inflammation is Creactive protein. CRP is a protein made by your liver. It's sent into your bloodstream in response to inflammation. High CRP levels also indicate a risk for Coronary Artery Disease.
  5. Omega-3 Value - Apart from homocysteine, low Omega-3 value in our body is also one of the reasons for sudden heart attack. Not many people are aware of this, even checking this is not offered in India easily. However at Reverse Factor we help people check their Omega-3 values.

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