Be Safe, Make the Right Choice: What All Needs To Be Considered While Going For Cosmetic Surgery?

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Be Safe, Make the Right Choice: What All Needs To Be Considered While Going For Cosmetic Surgery?

Ankita Singh
11 Dec 2022 6:33 AM GMT

A large percentage of the young brigade is getting attracted to the low-cost alternatives of aesthetic procedures where untrained and unskilled practitioners advertise to gain clients and make revenues.

Looking their best and opting for aesthetic surgeries has become, one of the ways, for many people in our society. More and more people are now resorting to cosmetic and aesthetic procedures to achieve their goal of looking desirable. However, what is being overlooked is the choice of surgeon and medical facilities where the procedures are being performed.

In recent years, there have been several reports of unfavorable and adverse events following aesthetic procedures. Many of these surgeons still need to complete a plastic surgery residency and are, therefore, ineligible for board certification. Complications can occur with any type of surgery; however, confirming your surgeon's education, qualification, and certification is a warranty of the kind of training your surgeon has received and the type of exams he/she must pass to receive that certification.

It is largely a patient's responsibility to make the right choice so that such mishappening can be kept at bay. It is crucial that the patient knows about the surgeon before making an appointment with them. After all, it is actually the matter of your body and your life.

A large percentage of the young brigade is getting attracted to the low-cost alternatives of aesthetic procedures where untrained and unskilled practitioners advertise to gain clients and make revenues. While the aspiration is to look good, these kinds of practices, on the other hand, pose a greater threat to the lives of the people.

The facilities where such cheaper procedures are performed are not fully-equipped and use sub-standard surgical and treatment equipment. Some of them are normal salon-like facilities and are not even licensed to perform surgical procedures. Yet, individuals choose such establishments just to save some money, not knowing that the cost they might have to pay can be much higher.

"Now, whose responsibility is it to say no such establishments and bogus practitioners?" asks Dr Rajat Gupta.

Patients have to ensure that they are in safe hands. They must check the credentials for both the surgeon and the facility. The performing surgeon must have MCH or DNB degrees. Not just this, aspiring patients must read the online reviews for the surgeon and the facility. It is even better to visit the facility and check for the equipment and medical infrastructure being used. This not only ensures the safety but also establishes the possibility of better, natural-looking and long-lasting results without any side effects.

Before selecting a surgeon for plastic surgery procedures, all patients must do their homework. Board certification is not be taken lightly; it is a difficult qualification to obtain because it demonstrates a high level of training and education, both of which are required for patient safety, optimal results, and patient's satisfaction.

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