Tighter Restrictions In Taiwan Amid Fresh Spike In InfectionsImage Credits: Wikipedia

Tighter Restrictions In Taiwan Amid Fresh Spike In Infections

Hannah Jacob
19 May 2021 2:41 PM GMT

The island, praised for its control of the pandemic is now facing its biggest COVID outbreak.

Last year, Taiwan was praised for its successful control of the coronavirus through timely and strict border controls, a ban on international visitors, and mandatory quarantine for all Taiwanese passengers coming home. This helped the country partially open schools in May when the rest of the world was under lockdown.

However, after the country reported 207 fresh new infections on Sunday, tighter restrictions to prevent new infections were reimposed, reported BBC. The measures are to counter the "increasing level of community transmission, shown by cases of unknown sources of infection as well as cluster infections in Taipei City and New Taipei City," the CNN quoted Taiwan Centers for Disease Control press release as saying.

New Restrictions

The new restrictions include wearing masks indoors and encouraging people to work from home. Cinemas and entertainment venues are shut until May 28, and gatherings are limited to five people indoors. The capital city of Taipei has been declared as a hotspot, and the coronavirus alert has been raised to Level three, one level short of a lockdown. Shoppers are also restricted to only buying two items in supermarkets.

President Tsai had cautioned people against panic buying during the restrictions. Food and toilet paper would be available in sufficient quantities, the President said on Taiwan News.

According to John Hopkins University, the coronavirus infected over 16.39 people and killed over 33.99 lakh people since December 2019.

Also Read: 'Lockdown Should Be Extended To Six-Eight Weeks': ICMR Chief

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