Instances Of All Cancer Cases Higher In Men Than Women, Says ICMR report

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Instances Of All Cancer Cases Higher In Men Than Women, Says ICMR report

Madhusree Goswami
27 Sep 2021 12:51 PM GMT

The proportion of all cancer cases was higher in males (52.4%) than females (47.4%) with gynecological cancers, including breast cancer, comprising over half of all cancers in females.

A total of 6.10 lakh cancers were reported between 2012 to 2019 with 52.4 percent and 47.6 percent reported in males and females respectively under the National Cancer Registry Programme (NCRP). This means that the proportion of all cancer cases was higher in males than females.

Childhood cancers (0-14 years) comprised 7.9 per cent of all cancers, according to the report titled "Clinicopathological Profile of Cancers in India: A Report of Hospital-Based Cancer Registries, 2021". Prepared by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)- National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research, Bengaluru, the report said that cancers in sites associated with tobacco use comprised 48.7 per cent of cancers among males and 16.5 per cent among females.

High Proportion In Males

Cancers of the head and neck region accounted for nearly one third (31.2 per cent) of the cancers among males. The highest proportion of cancer from all sites was reported in the 45 to 64 years age group, except for prostate cancer in males, which was higher in those over 65 years.

Overall, 13,32,207 cancer cases were registered from 96 hospitals under the NCRP during 2012-19. Of these, 6,10,084 cases were included for analysis, based on the completeness and quality of data. The report further adds that out of the 6,10,084 cancers, 3,19,098 (52.4 per cent) cancers were reported in males and 2,90,986 (47.6 percent) in females.

Among females, gynecologic cancers, including breast cancer (51 per cent), accounted for over half of all cancers. The relative proportion of site-specific cancers was steeper in males than females except for thyroid cancer (2.5 per cent in females versus 1 per cent in males) and gall bladder cancer (3.7 per cent in females versus 2.2 per cent in males).

Chemotherapy was the most typical treatment modality for many cancers regardless of the clinical extent of disease at presentation, including cancers of the liver, gall bladder, stomach, lung and childhood cancers, it added.

Cancer registries collect, store, analyse, interpret and generate meaningful data on cancer, which helps develop plans and implement effective evidence-based strategies

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