
Amid All Odds, India Achieves July Vaccine Target, Creates Record on Last Day

Debomita De
3 Aug 2021 12:07 PM GMT

India has managed to achieve its July vaccination target after administering a record 87.8 lakh doses administered on July 31.

India has managed to achieve its July vaccination target after administering a record 87.8 lakh doses administered on July 31. In July India inoculated 13.5 crore citizens with Covid-19 vaccine doses. Now the total tally of vaccine doses administered in the country is above the 47-crore mark and among them, 10.2 crore citizens are fully vaccinated.

How The Logistics Look For India

India had ramped up its vaccination drive on June 21, when the Central government had taken charge of vaccinating all individuals about 18 years of age. A record 87.29 lakh doses were administered on June 21 but the daily tally has varied since then in different states across the country. As per The Indian Express report, the average number of vaccine administrations had decreased drastically by the third week of July and the July target seemed far-fetched. Various reasons affected the vaccination drive but the shortage of doses and fake vaccination scams were predominant. But the no of doses administered was hiked towards the end of the month making it possible for India to achieve its target. The report states that 43lakh doses were administered daily this month which was hiked to 58 lakh towards the end.

As far as individual states are concerned UP took the lead from Maharashtra by administering over 4.84 crore doses so far. Meanwhile, Maharashtra has given 4.45 crore doses but is leading in the number of citizens fully vaccinated.

Vaccination Status Of Other Countries

As per data on the Our World in Data project, quoted by The India Express, China has already provided more than 160 crore vaccine doses and the US has so far administered over 34 crore doses while Brazil has given 14 crores. Over 4.14 billion doses have been administered worldwide till now says the data.

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