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Good To Know

Kisaan Mitra Program: Initiative Empowering Marginalized Farmers To Champion Biodiversity And Sustainability!

Anusha Ramesh
12 May 2022 10:55 AM GMT

In collaboration with several NGOs and farmers' groups, Himalaya supports small and marginalized farmers through contract farming.

The earth is experiencing a decline in biodiversity and an increase in climate disruption. Tied to human consumption, these problems will worsen if corrective action is not taken. Therefore, understanding the factors influencing climate change and the steps required to conserve biodiversity is critical.

Himalaya Wellness Company is a leader in several initiatives to preserve the rich biodiversity of the earth and protect the environment. Under the Kisaan Mitra program, Himalaya empowers marginalized farmers by promoting livelihood, good agricultural practices (GAP), and sustainable farming of medicinal herbs. The Company trains the farmers in practices that improve the soil's water-holding capacity and enhance soil health, which helps restore the earth's natural nutrients. In collaboration with several NGOs and farmers' groups, Himalaya supports small and marginalized farmers through contract farming. Farmers are trained to cultivate medicinal herbs like Tulasi, Alfalfa, Ashvagandha, Vetiver, Neem, Jasmine, Gotu kola, Moringa, Brahmi, Argyrea, and Achillea.

Himalaya Wellness Company also provides the farmers with planting materials and logistical support. The initiative has helped marginalized farmers increase their income when compared to their regular crop cultivation.

The Company is helping the farmers achieve economic stability and provide better and happier lives for their families. The Kisaan Mitra program benefits all the stakeholders by providing farmers with a consistent and assured income opportunity and regular cultivation of herbs grown exclusively for Himalaya. Farmers do not have to worry about the loss of profit and investment due to excess produce. By avoiding intermediaries in trade, the entire profit goes to the farmers, which is higher than the market rates.

The Kisaan Mitra program is currently being implemented in Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh, and Gujarat, benefiting over 800 farmers. Replacing the monoculture way of planting with growing mixed species of wild native trees, Himalaya is rebuilding, restoring, and conserving biodiversity and establishing ecological balance. The Logical Indian appreciates Himalaya Wellness Company for championing the cause of biodiversity and continuing to place priorities on sustainability through several initiatives.
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