Good Governance
Cochin Airport Wins Award For Excellence In Service Quality

Image Credit: Hindustan Times

Good Governance

Cochin Airport Wins Award For Excellence In Service Quality

Prattusa Mallik
26 Jun 2021 5:25 AM GMT

It is one among the six airports in the world to win this honour.

Cochin International Airport Ltd. (CIAL) has won the Airport Council of India (ACI) Director General's Roll of Excellence Honour in airport service quality. While announcing the honour, ACI Director Luis Felipe de Oliveira announced said that CIAL is one of the six airports in the world to win this.

The Roll of Excellence Award

The ACI is an international body of airport operators. It established the Roll of Excellence award to honour the airports which have consistently provided quality service, according to the opinion of the passengers. ACI will present this year's awards on September 9, 2021, at the ACI Customer Experience Global Summit in Montreal, Canada.

Addressing CIAL, Oliveira said he is sure that the airport will keep being a role model for airport service quality, working with ACI to further improve their standards in services.

CIAL's Adherence To Quality

S Suhas, Managing Director, CIAL, said that the service quality programmes of ACI have been aiding the airport officials in making sure that the airport operations management is at par with the global standards. The Rolls of Excellence stands as a token to recognise the dedication of the airport to its consumers.

"We are grateful for this honour, and this will give an impetus for our efforts to facilitate one of the best-in-class travel experiences for the passengers. We have won five ASQ awards consecutively in last five years (sic.)," said Suhas, according to The Times of India.

He also acknowledged the support of the Kerala Government, particularly Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, who had supported CIAL in providing state-of-the-art facilities to its passengers. The CM also happens to be the chairman of CIAL.

CIAL is also known for its adherence to sustainability. On August 18, 2015, it became the world's first airport to function absolutely on solar power. Its 12 MWp solar power plant produces 50,000 to 60,000 units of electricity every day for all its functions to operate. This technically makes the airport completely power neutral.

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