Good Governance
Good Governance

Bihar's First Floating Solar Power Plant Now Ready For Commissioning

Tashafi Nazir
15 Jan 2022 6:26 AM GMT

Floating solar power involves installing solar panels on floating structures on a water body, such as a lake or in a hydro power reservoir. One of the prime advantages of such a structure is no land consumption, except the surfaces required for grid connections.

Bihar Renewable Energy Development Agency (BREDA) is set to commission the state's first two MW floating solar power plant in the Kadirabad locality of Darbhanga district.

The Darbhanga power station plant will be the first-of-a-kind in Bihar, which is being built over a pond. It is believed to be a huge achievement for the state.

Floating Solar Plants

Floating solar power involves installing solar panels on floating structures on a water body, such as a lake or in a hydropower reservoir. One of the prime advantages of such a structure is no land consumption, except the surfaces required for grid connections.

Electrical superintending engineer Sunil Kumar Das said that a total of 40,04 photovoltaic (PV) panels will be installed in a pond in the locality by Delhi-based firm AVAADA. Each panel will be capable of generating 500-watt electricity, Hindustan Times reported.

Rohit Kumar Singh, AVAADA's project manager, said the work for the floating solar power plant began in October 2021. However, the foundation work only started on November 15. The power plant is ready for commissioning, he said.

It will be directly connected to the utility power grid from where it will supply power to people.

The project is a part of efforts to tap and generate awareness about solar energy among the masses. The floating solar power plant has been built in line with the Bihar government's promotion of clean energy.

Two model cities have been selected for the project with one being the Darbhanga solar plant. The capacity of the power plant is 1.72 MW, while the cost incurred on the project is said to be over Rs 7 crores, according to News18.

Fish Farming To Continue

The most exciting thing about the project is that the pond will cater to two needs simultaneously. While fish farming will continue under the pond, electricity will be generated from the solar panels placed over the water.

A power sub-station is being prepared so that the locals can start getting electricity immediately as soon as the plant is functional.

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