Good Governance
Assam Introduces Transgender As Option In State Public Service Commission Exam Application

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Good Governance

Assam Introduces 'Transgender' As Option In State Public Service Commission Exam Application

Palak Agrawal
31 Oct 2020 4:34 AM GMT

According to reports, as many as 42 aspirants belonging to the transgender community have filled the form this year where they have applied for the posts of state civil service, police, and other allied services.

In a welcome move, Assam has introduced a 'transgender' option in the gender category of the civil service examination form.

With this, it has become the first state in the country to facilitate such an option with an aim to instil a sense of equality amongst members of the marginalised community and help them live a dignified life.

The separate category was introduced in the combined competitive (preliminary) examination (CCE), 2020, which is conducted by the Assam Public Service Commission (APSC).

According to reports, as many as 42 aspirants belonging to the transgender community have filled the form this year where they have applied for the posts of state civil service, police, and other allied services.

"Initially we had not made a separate category for transgender persons when we issued notification for the exam in September. We were soon approached by a prominent transgender activist Swati Bidhan Baruah to include a separate category," said APSC chairman Pallab Bhattacharya, reported Hindustan Times.

He further added that the authorities held discussions with Baruah and also checked with UPSC where members from the transgender community were already allowed to apply in a special category.

"It's a much-welcomed development. But only doing so wouldn't be of much help if special steps are not included. I have written to the Commission to secure reservation for the community and also provide special standard operating procedures (SOP) so that others do not misuse this provision," Baruah who is the associate vice-chairperson of the Assam State Transgender Welfare Board told G Plus.

Also Read: COVID-19 Pandemic Worsened Gender Inequality In India: Oxfam Report

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