Good Governance
Good Governance

'Govt To Give 100-Day Leave, Good Healthcare, Housing Satisfaction To CAPF Personnel': Amit Shah

Tashafi Nazir
6 Dec 2021 10:21 AM GMT

Shah was on his two-day visit to Rajasthan where he spent two days with BSF personnel at the 'Rohitash' post along the India-Pakistan border.

The central government is working to ensure better healthcare facilities, increased housing satisfaction and much more family time for personnel of the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) who are guarding India's fronts under challenging conditions, Union Home Minister Amit Shah said on Saturday, December 4.

Shah was on his two-day visit to Rajasthan, where he spent two days with BSF personnel at the 'Rohitash' post along the India-Pakistan border.

Before having a meal at the Rohitash outpost of the border, Shah praised the jawans and said that the Narendra Modi-led BJP government was making arrangements to ensure that all soldiers spent more days with their families.

"The jawans are deployed for the country's security in 50-degree heat and minus temperatures in winters. Our government is making continuous efforts so that every jawan who give their golden time to the motherland can spend about 100 days yearly with family. This is our big responsibility which will be fulfilled soon," Shah said, as per The New Indian Express.

Every CAPF Jawan To Be Provided With Health Card

The Home Minister said that efforts are also being made to give a health card to every CAPF personnel by February 2022.

"The soldiers deployed for the security of the country and their families should not have to face any difficulties in treatment. The government will ensure that these health cards have been made and will have to be swapped for any disease," he said.

Shah added that modernisation will make the BSF's work very light and end the worries of all jawans and their families, including those in CRPF, BSF and SSB.

Shah is the first Home Minister of India to have spent a night on the western border after a night patrol. He inquired about the security arrangements at Rohitash post.

Commandant SN Pandey, on the Jaisalmer border in the desert state, provided him information related to BSF's functioning. Shah was informed about attempts to infringe on the Indian border, without naming Pakistan.

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