Surat-Based Digital Firm Announces 12 Days Of Period Leaves Per Year For Women Employees

Image Credits: Times of India


Surat-Based Digital Firm Announces 12 Days Of 'Period Leaves' Per Year For Women Employees

Palak Agrawal
17 Aug 2020 11:39 AM GMT

Any female team member is eligible to take one paid leave per month during their menstrual cycle

Following the footsteps of the food-delivery aggregator Zomato, a Surat-based digital marketing firm announced 'Period Leave' for its female employees with immediate effect.

Bhautik Sheth, founder of iVIPANAN which was incorporated in 2014 has 9 employees and eight of them are women. The organisation said that it would give 12 days of Period Leave per year for its female employees.

Communicating the move via an e-mail to the employees, the founder said that the decision to provide monthly menstrual cycle paid leave to the female employees is in line with providing a happy and healthy working environment.

He added that any female team member is eligible to take one paid leave per month during their menstrual cycle, reported The Times of India.

"Menstruation is still a taboo in Indian society. Even today females working in offices become conscious of taking a bag, purse, or a plastic bag in a hand while going to the washroom. We want to break this stigma and send a strong message to all small-size businesses in India to understand the biological difference between males and females. We have taken this step so that women do not have to deal with the discomfort of coming to office during periods, Sheth told The New Indian Express.

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