This Car Respects Women: Kolkata Traffic Police To Train Cab Drivers On Safety Of Female Passengers

Image Credits: Dainik Jagran

West Bengal

'This Car Respects Women': Kolkata Traffic Police To Train Cab Drivers On Safety Of Female Passengers

Tashafi Nazir
7 Dec 2021 6:27 AM GMT

The training will be on issues like sexual harassment and violence against women in public transport and try to teach the drivers how to behave with female passengers properly.

To ensure that women in the city can travel safely in app-based cabs and taxis at night, the Kolkata Traffic Police is planning to roll out a gender sensitisation programme for drivers.

The initiative called "This Car Respects Women" is likely to train 12,500 drivers of app-based cabs, buses, and autos. The training will include issues like sexual harassment and violence against women in public transport and try to teach the drivers how to behave with female passengers properly, The Times of India reported.

Initiative To Start From Today

The officers of Kolkata Traffic Police's South East Guard will roll out the initiative for training cab drivers from Tuesday, December 7, and will end on March 15, 2022.

The drivers will be required to attend two sessions, each session running up to 75 minutes. Reports state that the cops are getting psychiatrists, college lecturers and experts on gender issues to conduct these sessions. The training will be part of the Nirbhaya Fund allocated by the Union Ministry of Women and Child Development.

According to a traffic official, Kolkata Police Training Academy and the Kolkata Traffic Police will jointly start the training.

"In the last two years, the city has witnessed several incidents of app-cab drivers misbehaving with women passengers. So to ensure that the city is safe for female commuters, we will be initiating the training programme from the South East Traffic Guard," the said, as quoted by The New Indian Express.

He added that such training programmes will also be taken up in the future at other traffic guards. "After training the app-cab drivers we are also planning to train bus conductors. At the end of the training course, the drivers will be provided a certificate and a sticker - This Car Respects Women - which they will have to paste on the windshield of their vehicles," the officer stated.

The main aim of the drive is to reduce the number of crimes against women passengers.

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