Fact Check
Fact Check: Old Photo From Military Exercise Shared As Visuals From Recent Clash In Ladakh
Fact Check

Fact Check: Old Photo From Military Exercise Shared As Visuals From Recent Clash In Ladakh

Aditi Chattopadhyay
10 Sep 2020 2:04 PM GMT

The Logical Indian Fact check team investigates the claim that a viral photograph is from the recent clash between Indian and Chinese troops in Ladakh.

Tension along the Line of Actual Control near Ladakh between the Indian and Chinese armies continues to rise. Amid this, a photograph of soldiers capturing a bunker is being circulated with the claim that it is a visual of the recent clashes at Eastern Ladakh.

"Breaking news...Eastern Ladakh High clashes," reads the caption of one such post.


The viral photograph is from the recent clash between Indian and Chinese troops in Ladakh.

Fact Check:

The claim is false. A reverse image search of the image led to a tweet by the Northern Command of Indian Army from October 20, 2016. "Joint Sino-Indian Humanitarian Assistance & Disaster Relief Exercise conducted by soldiers in Ladakh," reads the caption of the tweet.

A keyword search based on this led to news reports which covered the event.

According to an India Today report, published on October 19, 2016, the Indian and Chinese armies had held the second joint exercise "Sino-India Cooperation 2016" as part of an initiative which was conducted with the aim of enhancing the interaction and cooperation between India and China, under the provisions of Border Defense Cooperation Agreement, 2013. A similar event was also held earlier in that year, on February 6, 2016.

The exercise on the Indian side was led by Brigadier RS Raman and that of the Chinese was led by Sr Col Fan Jun. There the viral photograph has no connection with the recent border skirmishes between India and China.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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