Fact Check
Media Outlets Share VFX Creation As Real Incident Of Paranormal Activity

Image Credit: News18/Facebook

Fact Check

Media Outlets Share VFX Creation As Real Incident Of Paranormal Activity

Jakir Hassan
15 Dec 2022 10:29 AM GMT

A video allegedly showing a ghostly figure caught on camera was shared by News18 Bihar and Asianet News Hindi, claiming that it depicts paranormal activity occurring in Chitrakoot, Madhya Pradesh.

A video allegedly showing a ghostly figure caught on camera is going viral across social media with the claim that it depicts paranormal activity occurring in Chitrakoot, Madhya Pradesh. The video has been widely circulated to several users by media outlets such as News18 Bihar and Asianet News Hindi, along with the claim of a ghostly figure.


The viral video shows what appears to be a ghostly figure hovering over a parked truck. The person filming repeatedly pulls back a curtain to reveal the ghostly figure, which performs several odd moves on the parked truck. Towards the end of the video, the mysterious figure approaches the person filming.

The video was posted on the Facebook page of Chitrakoot Samachar, uploaded on November 23 with the caption, "Chitrakoot:- The video of a creepy ghost in Chitrakoot is going viral on social media. According to the viral video, a phantom spirit is hovering over a truck parked in Galla Mandi of the city. There is a discussion in the district about the viral video, and this video is reportedly from Galla Mandi Shankar Bazar under Karvi Kotwali. Still, Chitrakoot News does not confirm this video in any way."

Asianet News Hindi also posted the same video in a report with the title, 'Shadow seen hovering over the truck, 'video of ghost' went viral on social media'. The media outlet claims that a ghost in a white shadow is seen hovering over a truck parked at Galla Mandi in the Chitrakoot.

"Asianet News Hindi does not confirm this viral video. Whatever is seen in the video is the subject of investigation," says the Asianet report.

Image Credit: AsiaNet News
Image Credit: AsiaNet News

We also came across a video report by News18 Bihar, which contained the same footage on November 23. The video's title stated, "Ghost-like figure seen in the video; people are getting scared". The caption of the video reads, "The video of a creepy ghost is going viral on social media. In the video, a ghost-like white shadow is seen hovering over the truck. What is the matter here?".

Fact Check:

We used InVid's Keyframe Analysis tool to isolate the keyframes of the video. We then conducted a reverse image search on the isolated keyframes and came across a report by News18 published on November 21, 2022.

The News18 report is titled, 'Is That a Witch Flying Around? Here's The Truth Behind The Viral Ghost Video'. The report states that the video is viral, with users claiming that the video was shot near a Bihar crematorium. In contrast, others claimed it was from Meerut and was shot near the crematorium.

The News18 report notes that even though it appears as if the witch appeared out of nowhere, the viral video is the result of some digital editing by Joseph Njovu, a Zambian visual effects artist.

Image Credit: News18
Image Credit: News18

We then conducted a keyword search for the video created by Joseph Njovu and came across a video titled, 'VFX tutorial. Flying witch caught on camera. Cinema 4d and after effects,' uploaded by the YouTube channel Joseph Njovu Visuals on August 27, 2022.

The video by Joseph Njovu contains the entirety of the viral video with different audio. The description of the video reads, "Here is a VFX breakdown of my recent witch caught on camera, I got the animation from Mixamo, and the cloth was made in Marvelous designer."

The viral video brought together several elements through visual effects software.

On September 24, 2022, Joseph Njovu uploaded a tutorial titled 'VFX tutorial | flying witch caught on camera Cinema 4d and after effects', in which he explained how he created the viral video.

In the introduction of the video, Njovu says, "This video was actually just for fun but people think it's real because I made it as real as possible. The funny thing is somebody told me it was shown on some news channel in Nigeria, and people believe it's real." The remarks can be heard at the 0.40 mark in the video.

Then Njovu breaks down the process through which he made the video. He highlights how he used software such as Adobe After Effects, Marvelous Designer, and Cinema 4D to create the video.

In reply to a comment, Njovu reiterates that the video is unreal.

Image Credit: YouTube
Image Credit: YouTube


We found that the viral video was created by visual effects artist Joseph Njovu and was uploaded on August 27, 2022. Several persons and media outlets have circulated the video as a real incident since it went viral. Thus, we can conclude that the claim with the viral video is false.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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