Fact Check
Fact Check

Satirical Piece On Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann Deplaned For Being Drunk Goes Viral

Jakir Hassan
21 Sep 2022 4:36 AM GMT

We found that the viral image was circulated by a user who attached a disclaimer stating that the post is satirical in nature. Lufthansa, the airline transporting Bhagwant Mann, noted that the flight from Frankfurt to Delhi departed later due to a delayed inbound flight and an aircraft change.

A clipping from a newspaper claiming that Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann was deboarded from a plane due to his alleged inebriated state is going viral across social media.

As per media reports, Bhagwant Mann was on a trip to Germany from September 11 to 18. His departure was delayed as he was reportedly in 'an inebriated state.' However, the Aam Aadmi Party strongly denied the reports, stating that Mann was not deplaned at the Frankfurt airport.


The viral image shows what seems to be a clipping from a newspaper titled, 'The German Times.' The newspaper article is titled, 'Drunk Bhagwant Mann thrown out of plane,' and the author of the article is credited as Daniel Schutz.

The purported article states that Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann was deplaned from a Delhi-bound Lufthansa flight in Frankfurt because he was not found fit to travel. The image is viral across Twitter.

Prashant Umrao, Uttar Pradesh media panellist, has also shared the viral image, which was later deleted. The translated caption reads, "Congratulations to the public of Delhi and Punjab. The conversations about Punjab CM have now reached Germany too." He later deleted his tweet. Below you can see the screenshot.

B Linagrajan, the Youth Congress President, has shared the viral image with the claim, "Dear Punjabis once the world saw Punjab as a brave land and now it gets to known as state of Alcohol.. When you choose a drunkard instead of a Good leader."

The post is viral across Facebook with this caption in Hindi, "Greetings to the people of Delhi and Punjab. Discussions of the Chief Minister of Aam Aadmi Party reached Germany."

Image Credit: Facebook
Image Credit: Facebook

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian fact-check team verified the viral claim and found it to be false. The viral news clip is satirical in nature.

We conducted a keyword search with the same set of keywords and came across this article on India Narrative published on September 18, 2022. The article had the same content as the purported article in the viral claim.

Image Credit: Indian Narrative
Image Credit: Indian Narrative

While browsing through the purported German Times article, we found a statement towards the end stating, "This article is for satire." A social media handle @BeingBHK was also attached along with the statement.

Image Credit: Facebook
Image Credit: Facebook

We conducted a keyword search for this account on social media and came across this account on Twitter.

The user had posted the same viral image with the caption, "Thank you "The German Times." In the description of their Twitter handle, they mention, "Threads, Memes, Cartoons, Satire."

Image Credit: Twitter
Image Credit: Twitter

We then conducted a keyword search with the author's name of the purported article on The German Times website. The name 'Daniel Schutz' did not bring up any results.

We scanned the website for any recent reports related to Bhagwant Mann and were not able to find any reports related to the Punjab CM. We were not able to find any reports connected to the deboarding of the CM either.

In our Fact Check, we came across a query on Twitter asked by user @NilanjanS inquiring whether Bhagwant Mann was drunk or not. In reply, Lufthansa News, a verified Twitter handle representing Lufthansa airlines.

"Our flight from Frankfurt to Delhi departed later than originally planned due to a delayed inbound flight and an aircraft change. Best regards"

Malvinder Singh Kang, Chief Spokesperson of AAP Punjab, called the incident as "fake news" and an attempt to "malign" the CM.

We also came across a tweet by The Hindu, which quoted Chander Suta Dogra, the AAP's director of media communication. Dogra said, "Mr. Mann was a little unwell and he would catch a flight later tonight from Frankfurt and would be back."


In our Fact Check, we found that the viral image was circulated by a user who attached a disclaimer stating that the post is satirical in nature. Lufthansa, the airline transporting Bhagwant Mann, noted that the flight from Frankfurt to Delhi departed later due to a delayed inbound flight and an aircraft change.

AAP members refuted these allegations stating that Mann was a little unwell. Thus, we found that the news clipping circulating on social media regarding Mann was false.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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