Fact Check
Woman Pilot Stoned To Death In Afghanistan? No, The Claim Is False!

Image Credit: Twitter

Fact Check

Woman Pilot Stoned To Death In Afghanistan? No, The Claim Is False!

Jakir Hassan
20 Aug 2021 10:52 AM GMT

An old photo of Farkhunda Malikzada, who was mob lynched in Afghanistan in 2015, is falsely passed off as Afghan woman pilot Safia Ferozi.

A photo that purports to show that an Afghan woman pilot has been stoned to death is viral on social media. The picture shows a bloodied woman dressed in black and besieged by men. Netizens identify the woman as Safia Ferozi- the second woman pilot recruited in Afghanistan's air force.

The photo went viral in the backdrop of rising concerns regarding women's rights after the Taliban took control of Afghanistan governance.

A Twitter user, Eugene Sangeet Sagar (@SangeetSagar13), shared the photo and captioned, "Safiya Firozi, one of the four lady pilots of the Afghan Air Force. Stoned to death in public this morning." However, the user took down the Tweet, but a screengrab of his tweet began circulating on social media.

[Trigger Warning: Graphic Image]

Image Credit: Twitter
Image Credit: Twitter

The screengrab of Eugene Sangeet Sagar's tweet is widespread on Facebook with varied captions;

Image Credit: Facebook
Image Credit: Facebook

Similar claims have been made on Twitter as well.


Afghanistan's second woman pilot, Safia Ferozi, has been stoned to death.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian fact-check verified the claim and found it false. It is an old photo of a woman identified as Farkhunda Malikzada, who was lynched in 2015 in Afghanistan.

We did a reverse image search of the viral photo and found a Wikipedia page, 'Murder of Farkhunda Malikzada', which carried the same viral photo.

Image Credit: Wikipedia
Image Credit: Wikipedia

Then we Google searched for Farkhunda Malikzada and came across a few news articles that reported the incident. According to a BBC report, she was falsely accused of burning pages of the Islamic holy book Quran and lynched by a frantic mob of over 100 men. After the investigation, the accusations against Farkhunda were found false, and 49 men, including 19 police officers, were arrested for her murder.

We also found a New York Times video report published on 26 December 2015 headlined, "The Killing Of Farkhunda" [Trigger Warning: Graphic Video]. The video contains visuals of violence and atrocities against Farkhunda, and at a 4-minute mark, the frame has an exact match for the photo that is viral now.

Due to the graphic nature of the viral video, The Logical Indian is not sharing it.

Image Credit: The NewYork Times
Image Credit: The NewYork Times

We also looked for recent news reports related to Safia Ferozi but could not find any. But we came across an NBC News report published on 7 December 2015, which described her as the second woman pilot recruited in Afghanistan's air force.

Image Credit: NBC News
Image Credit: NBC News

Therefore, it is evident that the photo passed off claiming to be of an Afghan woman pilot is old. The woman in the picture is Farkhunda Malikzada, who was lynched by a mob in Afghanistan in 2015.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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