Fact Check
Fact Check: No, Putin Hasnt Banned Interfaith Marriages For Muslim Men In Russia
Fact Check

Fact Check: No, Putin Hasn't Banned Interfaith Marriages For Muslim Men In Russia

Yusha Rahman
26 Nov 2020 12:50 PM GMT

A Muslim clergy group DUM restricted the marriages of Muslim men to Non- Muslim women in Russia which is being shared on social media with the claim that Russia has banned 'Love Jihad'.

As the debate around Love Jihad is at peak right now with many state governments proposing to make laws to make inter-faith marriages illegal, many Indian social media users are sharing that Russian President Putin has banned Muslim men from marrying non-Muslim women.

A Facebook user, Joydeep Mondal shared a screenshot of a news article with a caption, "#Love_Jihad exist across the world. Muslim girls not allowed to marry non-Muslims. Other way should be allowed across the world... Else outrage."

#Love_Jihad exist across the world. Muslim girls not allowed to marry non-Muslims. Other way should be allowed across the world... Else outrage.

Posted by Joydeep Mondal on Monday, 16 November 2020

Another Facebook user, The Ex secular shared the same screenshot of the news article with the caption "Lord Putin puts a ban on Love J! had activities."

The posts are being shared on social media with the current context of 'Love Jihad'. Five states, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Haryana and Karnataka planned to make rigorous laws against the conspiracy of 'Love Jihad'. According to the concept of 'Love Jihad', Muslim men are trying to bring a demographic change in India's population for which they persuade Hindu women to get married to them. This conspiracy recently got fueled after a man named Tauseef killed a 21-year-old girl, Nikita Tomar in Haryana for denying to marry him.


Russia has banned the marriages of Muslim men to non-Muslim women.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian found the full version of the news, the screenshot of which is being shared on social media. The news was published on Moscow Times on November 12, 2020.

The entire news said, "Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia (DUM)'s advisory council of scholars says that interfaith marriages between Muslim men and non-Muslim women are allowed "in isolated cases" that only local muftis can approve."

These scholars of DUM believe that interfaith marriages between Muslim men and non-Muslim women cause many problems, especially, possible disagreements over raising children and "absolutely different worldviews, cultures and education."

The DUM scholars also said that non-Muslim women could marry Muslim men as long as they "respect Islamic canon and don't prevent husbands from raising children in Islamic traditions."

According to a report of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Deputy Chairman of the spiritual directorate DUM, Damir Mukhetdinov, said that the fatwa did not reflect the opinion of the larger directorate, Russia is a secular state and the decisions by the Council of Clerics has no legal power.

The government website of Russia which tells about all the major decisions taken by the Russian government also did not say anything about such rules.

Thus, the claims made by the viral post, 'Russian government banned Muslim men from marrying non-Muslims' is false.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

Also read: Fact Check: No, The Viral Video Is Not Of PM Modi Doing Yoga In His Young Days

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