Fact Check
Fact Check: Edited Image Claims Rana Ayyub Said Cannot Hate All Muslims For Just Two Beheadings
Fact Check

Fact Check: Edited Image Claims Rana Ayyub Said 'Cannot Hate All Muslims For Just Two Beheadings"

Yusha Rahman
31 Oct 2020 1:32 PM GMT

Edited screenshot of Rana Ayyub's old interview with CNN goes viral with a false claim that she supports beheading in France.

A purported screenshot from the CNN news of interview of journalist Rana Ayyub has gone viral. The Screenshot has a ticker on it that says, "You can not hate all the Muslims for just two beheadings."

The image is viral with the caption, "सीएनएन पर राणा अयूब कह रही है कि आप "सिर्फ" दो लोगों के सर कलम करने से मुसलमानों से नफरत नहीं कर सकते अरे हम भी यही कहते हैं..तुम जैसे लोग मानते कहां हैं..दोगले लोग ,,,ये जो करोड़ों मुस्लिम उन जेहादियों के कृत्यों का समर्थन कर रहे हैं ...असली फसाद की जड़ ये है, #जिहादियों ये वही पत्तलकार हैं जिन्हें देश असुरक्षित लगता है और हिंदुत्व को गाली देने लगती है अगर कोई तिलक लगा ले या हनुमान जी का पोस्टर कार पर चिपका दे अब इन्हें सिर्फ दो लोग लग रहे हैं वाह दोगलो वाह..कितनी बेशर्मी से ये लोग बोलते हैं..अपना चेहरा जब आइने में देखते होंगे तो इनकी अंतरात्मा धिक्कारती तो होगी..मै तो भूल गया वो तो मर चुकी है . नीचे वालों को धोखा दे सकते हो..ऊपर वाले को नहीं कम से कम अल्लाह से डरो ..जिसे तुम मानते हो मोमिनों..और हां लगे हाथ हो यह भी बता दो कि हम कितने सरों के कलम होने तक का इंतजार करें यह कंडीशन और शर्त कितने शरों के कलम होने तक वैलिड है...मोहतरमा फिर मैं आपको गिनती गिनाऊंगा अब तक यह लोग करोड़ों लोगों को मार चुके हैं." (Translates in English as, "Rana Ayyub on CNN is saying that you can't hate Muslims for ′′just′′ beheading two people. Hey, we also say the same.. do people like you believe..Double-faced people... The millions of Muslims who are supporting the acts of those jihadis... The root of the real mischief is this, Jihadis. These are the same journalists who said the country seems unsafe and abused Hinduism if someone applies Tilak or sticks Hanuman's poster on the car. Now they say only two people are dead...Wow double faced wow.. How shamelessly these people speak..When they see their face in the mirror, their conscience must be cursing them.. I forgot that her consience is dead. You can cheat the people but not God. At least fear Allah.. whom you believe, believers.. And yes, let me know till the killing of how many people shall we wait. This condition is valued till the beheading of how many people... Madam, then I will make you count. So far these people have killed millions of people."

The post has gone viral on Facebook with the recent context of violence that took place in France.

An 18-years-old Muslim boy beheaded his history teacher in France over his resentment towards the teacher for showing the cartoon of Prophet Mohammed. This act has spurred discontentment against Islamic extremism across the globe.

Facebook page, Lashkar-E-Media also shared the same post.


In an interview with CNN News, Rana Ayyub has said, "you can not hate all the Muslims for just two beheadings."

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian did a reverse image search and found a similar image published on March 18, 2020. Then it went viral with the hashtags, #vimal and #KamlaPasand.

Another Twitter user, Sadique Anjum has shared the video of Rana's interview of CNN on March 2, 2020.

The Logical Indian then did a keyword search with 'Rana Ayyub CNN' and found the interview published on CNN.

We did an image comparison with both CNN videos and image that has gone viral and found that both images were the same.

The original video had ticker, "Dozens killed in Delhi's worst sectarian violence in Decades." Rana Ayyub gave an interview to CNN with the then happening communal clashes in Northeast Delhi.

Rana Ayyub's through her Tweet rubbished the posts and said it is digitally morphed. She tweeted, "The Indian right-wing at it again. Morphed a fake statement on an old image stating that "you cannot hate all Muslims for just two beheadings". This image has been shared a thousand times all over social media and I am sick of battling this disinformation."

Rana Ayyub also gave her point of view regarding France beheading as a reply to Aditya Menon's Tweet. She tweeted, "Thoughts with France. There is no place for such brutality and savagery in Islam and I say this as a proud Muslim."

Thus, the digitally morphed image of Rana Ayyub was shared on Twitter with false claims.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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