Fact Check
Fact Check

Fact Check: Fake Tweet Attributed To Rahul Gandhi States An Odd-Even Plan To Reopen Schools

Aditi Chattopadhyay
27 May 2020 1:25 PM GMT

The Logical Indian Fact Check team investigates the claim that Rahul Gandhi has tweeted that schools and colleges should reopen from 1st June on odd /even basis

A screenshot of a tweet supposedly put out by Congress MP Rahul Gandhi is being circulated on social media.

The tweet claims that schools and colleges should reopen from June 1, 2020, and suggests that on odd days, teachers should come in and on even days students should go to school.

"Schools and colleges should reopen from 1st June on odd/even basis. Odd days teachers will come and even days, students will come," reads the viral tweet.

The statement of this viral screenshot has been extensively shared on Facebook, some have also attributed the statement to Rahul Gandhi.

The viral photo is being circulated on Twitter as well. Even though, the post looks a joke but many are believing that Rahul Gandhi has actually tweeted it.

The nationwide lockdown which was announced on March 24 is currently in its 4th phase and is set to be lifted on May 31.

Reportedly, the Union Home Ministry said on May 26 that no decision has been taken on the opening of schools and colleges and all educational institutions across the country are still prohibited from restarting.

The statement by the home ministry spokesperson was issued following certain reports that the ministry has permitted all states to open schools.

"No such decision taken by MHA. All Educational institutions are still prohibited to open, throughout the country(sic)," the spokesperson tweeted.

All educational institutions have been shut since mid-March, to curb the spread of coronavirus pandemic.


Rahul Gandhi has tweeted that schools and colleges should reopen from 1st June on odd /even days basis.

Fact Check:

The claim is false.

Fake Tweet

On observing the screenshot of the tweet, 3 details stand out.


According to the screenshot, the tweet from Gandhi came at 8:16 pm on 22 May.

However, on Rahul Gandhi's official Twitter account, no such tweet could be found from 22 May.

Two of his tweets could be found around that time on May 22: One at 7:15 PM and another at 11: 53 PM.


The dateline the viral screenshot reads, '22 May 20'. In an actual tweet, the dateline read, 'May 22, 2020'. The mobile version of the Tweet reads the date as '22/05/20'

Wrong Phone

Further, in the viral photo of the tweet, it is mentioned that the tweet has been generated from a Nokia E75. However, all of Gandhi's recent tweets states they are generated from an iPhone.

Further, no reports stating his official statement regarding the reopening of schools could be found. Therefore the tweet is fake.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343

Also Read: Fact Check: Semi-Nude Image Shared With False Claim To Defame JMI University Student Ladeeda Farzana

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