Fact Check
Fact Check: Photoshopped Tweet Of Priyanka Gandhi Maligning Nehru Goes Viral
Fact Check

Fact Check: Photoshopped Tweet Of Priyanka Gandhi Maligning Nehru Goes Viral

Yusha Rahman
18 Nov 2020 12:16 PM GMT

A screenshot of a digitally morphed tweet allegedly from Priyanka Gandhi showing Nehru as an immoral person is being shared.

A screenshot of tweet purportedly of Priyanka Gandhi, General Secretary of Indian National Congress for Eastern Uttar Pradesh, is being widely shared on social media and it says, "My favourite story about my great-grandfather is the one about when as PM, he returned from work at 3 am to find his bodyguard exhausted and asleep on his bed. He covered him with a blanket and went to his room to sleep with his wife".

The post has gone viral on Facebook and many people are sharing it with the intention to malign the character of India's first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

The screenshot is being shared with two contexts, one in which the people are considering Priyanka Gandhi made blunder while writing 'went to his wife' and the other context is that "went to sleep with his wife" means sleeping with his bodyguard's wife.

The same post was tweeted by Sadanand Ghodgerikar, who is followed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He shared the text with the caption, "With his wife...solid confusion." Archive of the link can be seen here.

Another Twitter handle also shared the same tweet.

Priyanka Gandhi has shared a post where she mentions about Nehru going to 'sleep with his wife after becoming Prime Minister' while his wife had passed away in 1936.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian saw a similar tweet of Priyanka Gandhi and it said, "My favourite story about my great-grandfather is the one about when as PM, he returned from work at 3 am to find his bodyguard exhausted and asleep on his bed. He covered him with a blanket and slept on an adjacent chair."

We tried comparing both the images and found that both showed that it was published on November 14, 2019. One more thing to notice is that both had common lines. "My favourite story about my great-grandfather is the one about when as PM, he returned from work at 3 am to find his bodyguard exhausted and asleep on his bed. He covered him with a blanket and".

In the morphed tweet, the time is not shown twice, while in the one that is morphed, it shows time twice once on the top right corner and other on the bottom left corner.

Priyanka Gandhi had also shared another tweet following the above tweet and she said, "Sometimes the simplest things tell us more about a man than the most glorious tales."

She shared it on the occasion of Nehru's birth anniversary on November 14 to highlight his personality traits.

On searching with the keyword, 'Priyanka Gandhi's favourite story about Jawaharlal Nehru', we found an article published by NDTV. The report quoted the Tweet of Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, "My favourite story about my great-grandfather is the one about when as Prime Minister, he returned from work at 3 am to find his bodyguard exhausted and asleep on his bed. He covered him with a blanket and slept on an adjacent chair."

Thus, we found that morphed Tweet of Priyanka Gandhi about his great-grandfather has gone viral to show Nehru as a womanizer and unethical man.

One thing to note is Kamala Nehru, the wife of Jawaharlal Nehru had succumbed to tuberculosis in 1936 and Nehru became Prime Miniter only after India's Independence in 1947. Thus, he became Prime Minister only after the death of his wife.

The Alt News has also done a fact check on this.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

Also Read: Fact Check: Old Image Of Mamata Banerjee And Amit Shah Viral With Claim Of Them Discussing West Bengal Elections

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