Fact Check
Fact Check: Reports In Indian Media On France Revoking Visas Of 183 Pakistani Nationals Are False
Fact Check

Fact Check: Reports In Indian Media On France Revoking Visas Of 183 Pakistani Nationals Are False

Yusha Rahman
4 Nov 2020 10:01 AM GMT

Indian media fall for a fake Twitter account and reported that passports of 183 Pakistani nationals were revoked by France after Pakistan's PM Imran Khan's 'anti-French remark'.

Indian media is covering news which says passports of 183 Pakistani nationals were revoked by France after Pakistan's PM Imran Khan's 'anti-French remark'. DNA news reported that France has also forcibly deported 118 Pakistani nationals despite having all the valid documents. The news also said that Pakistan consulate in Paris has requested to allow former ISI Chief, Ahmed Shuja Pasha's sister to stay temporarily as she has come to France to see her sick mother-in-law.

Other media houses like ANI, TV9 and Zee News also covered the same news.

Few weeks back, an 18-year old student beheaded his history teacher over showing cartoons of Prophet Mohammed in the class. Later French President Emmanuel Macron in his speech defended the controversial cartoons and said that Islam is in crisis across the world. This led to the condemnation of the French President globally especially in Muslim majority countries like Turkey and Pakistan. This act of Macron was opposed by Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan who wrote letters to Islamic nations to unite against Islamophobia.


France revoked visas of 183 Pakistani nationals and forcibly deported 118 others despite valid documents.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian found out that the tweet was based on the information provided by a Twitter handle, Consulate General of Pakistan France (@PakconsulateFR).

We found out that the Twitter account is an imposter account which was made in April 2020, has only 467 followers and only 30 tweets till now.

The Logical Indian found the Facebook page of Embassy of Pakistan, Paris, and on searching the news covered by Indian media, was not able to find any content related to it on the page.

We also found the verified Twitter handle of Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pakistan. The Twitter handle has retweeted a warning against the fake Twitter handle of Embassy of Pakistan. Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pakistan had retweeted the claims published by the Embassy of Pakistan, Paris, France (@PakinFrance).

On closely observing the original Twitter account, we found that it was opened in August 2011 and has over 4,000 followers.

Thus, many Indian media fell prey to a fake Twitter account and reported that France has revoked visas of 183 Pakistani nationals.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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