Fact Check
Old Video Of Turkish TV Series Clip Viral As Father Dancing At Funeral Of Daughter In Iran

Image Credit: Twitter/Priti Gandhi

Fact Check

Old Video Of Turkish TV Series Clip Viral As Father Dancing At Funeral Of Daughter In Iran

Jakir Hassan
4 Oct 2022 8:55 AM GMT

We found in our investigation that the viral video is taken from a TV series series 'Ata ocagi'. It has nothing to with the ongoing Hijab protest in Iran.

On 13 September, Mahsa Amini (22) was detained by the "morality police" in Iran's capital Tehran for violating the law relating to wearing the hijab. On 16 September, Mehsa Amini died allegedly in police custody. Her death has led to a wave of anti-hijab protests across Iran. Many videos have been viral where women can be seen burning hijab and cutting their hair. According to the report of the Independent, at least 76 protesters have been killed by security forces so far.

In this context, a video of an elderly man dancing in a cemetery is going viral on social media. In the video, the man can be seen dancing while some other people are holding a coffin for the last rites. While sharing this video, people on social media claimed that the viral video is from Iran, where the Iranian regime killed a girl for not wearing the hijab. Her father had promised his daughter to dance at her wedding. But now he is dancing on her grave.

Pakistani journalist Ahmed Qureshi, shared this video and wrote, "One of the saddest things you'll see: #MahsaAmini's father dancing for his 22 year old daughter at her grave. She insisted he promise to dance on her wedding. He's keeping his promise. #IranProtests2022 #IranRevolution."

Another user wrote, "Heartbreaking 💔Iranian father who promised to live long enough to dance at his daughter's wedding ends up dancing at her funeral after she was killed by the Iranian morality police for not covering her hair." This video got 4 Lakhs+ views and 9k+ retweets.

BJP leader also quote tweeted the viral video.

It is being widely shared on Facebook and Twitter with a similar claim.


A viral video shows a man dancing at her daughter's funeral, who was killed by the Iranian regime for participating in the anti-hijab protest.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian fact-check team verified the viral claim and found it to be false. The viral video is from the Turkish drama Ata Ocaği.

During the initial investigation, we did an open keyword search and found a tweet from Iran's official press TV. In this tweet, they refuted the viral claim and mentioned that the viral video is a part of a Turkish drama named Ata Ocaği. The caption of the tweet reads, "J. K Rowling has retweeted a fake viral video purportedly showing an Iranian father's dance on the grave of his daughter who was killed in recent riots in Iran. In fact the video is part of a Turkish drama called Ata Ocaği."

Taking a hint from it, we did a keyword search and found the original video of the TV show from which the viral video was taken. This scene was shown in the 78th episode of this show named 'Ata ocagi'.

According to a report of Teleqarf.com, this series comes under the genre of psychological drama. It was directed by Rufat Sahbejov and broadcast on Azerbaijan's TV channel 'Xəzər TV'. We searched more about this series on 'Xəzər TV', and we came to know that the name of the actor seen in the video is Qurban İsmayılov.

Image Credit: YouTube


Our investigation shows that the viral video is taken from a TV drama, 'Ata ocagi'. It has nothing to do with the ongoing Hijab protest in Iran. Hence, the viral claim is false.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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