Fact Check
Fact Check

Did WHO Accept That Covid-19 Is Seasonal Flu? No, Old Viral Video Shows Doctor Spewing Misleading Information

Jakir Hassan
30 Dec 2022 11:21 AM GMT

Given the surging Covid-19 cases across the globe, a video showing medical experts is being circulated with the claim that the WHO has made a u-turn on Covid-19 and dismissed the severity of Covid-19 by terming it as a seasonal virus.

Given the surging Covid-19 cases across the globe, a video showing medical experts, including Dr. Dolores Cahill, former professor of Immunology at the University College Dublin, is being circulated with the claim that the experts dismissed the severity of Covid-19 by terming it as a seasonal virus.


The three-minute video shows a set of medical experts gathered at a press conference talking on the issue of Covid-19. A person introduces herself as Professor Dolores Cahill and says, "We are here to tell you that there is good news. The coronavirus is a seasonal virus that leads to symptoms from December to April. And for people with symptoms, there are treatments such as inhaled steroids, hydroxychloroquine, and zinc. So there is no need for the lockdown."

"There is no need for fear; there is no need for masks or social distancing or for quarantines. They are locking people in their homes for last year's flu, for which there is an effective treatment. So we want to communicate this message to the people that there is no need for fear."

The video is circulating with the claim, "Breaking news: WHO admitted its mistake and has taken a complete U-turn. They are saying Corona is a seasonal virus, it is cough and cold throat pain caused during seasonal changes, so there is no need to worry about it. WHO now says that patient diagnosed with Covid-19 does not need to stay isolated, and the public does not need social distancing. It does not transmit from one patient to another. Watch WHO's press conference hereā€¦.. Please share it with a maximum number of people."

The Logical Indian received multiple requests on WhatsApp on our Fact Check helpline number 6364000343 to verify the viral claim.

Fact Check:

We conducted a keyword search with the terms heard in the video, such as 'Dolores Cahill' and 'ACU,' and came across a video posted by the Facebook page 'Corruption Awareness Ireland' on October 15, 2020.

The video posted is the same as the viral video with the caption, "Professor Dolores Cahill's speech last Saturday in Berlin, Germany. (World Doctors Alliance) #1. Sunday # October 18. Meet and listen to Professor Dolores Cahill (guest speaker)."

This indicated that this was not a recent press conference in view of the rising Covid-19 cases worldwide. Additionally, we found reports by VICE and Poynter which called out Cahill for her false claims about Covid-19.

In a report published by McGill University's Office for Science and Society on August 13, 2021, Dolores Cahill's repeated falsehoods surrounding Covid-19 have been highlighted, such as the alleged prevention of the disease by taking hydroxychloroquine, vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc.

Image Credit: Mcgill
Image Credit: Mcgill

She also claimed that children wearing a mask would lower their IQs. Cahill also dismissed the administration of vaccines. According to a College Tribune article in the McGill report, Cahill's own students had criticized her misleading and false claims about Covid-19.

Image Credit: Collegetribune
Image Credit: Collegetribune

An Institute for Strategic Dialoguereport listed the misleading claims made by Cahill and other medical professionals across social media. "Dr. Dolores Cahill acknowledges its existence but downplays its severity," the ISD report said.

We also cross-checked the claims made by Cahill as per information on the website of the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, which notes a difference between flu and COVID-19. As per the CDC, both influenza (flu) and COVID-19 are contagious respiratory illnesses. However, they are caused by different viruses." COVID-19 is caused by infection with a coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) first identified in 2019. Flu is caused by infection with a flu virus (influenza viruses)," the CDC states.

As per the World Health Organisation website, people are urged to maintain a physical distance of at least one meter from others, even if they don't appear sick, and to avoid crowds and close contact. People are also advised to wear a properly fitted mask and frequently clean their hands.

Image Credit: WHO
Image Credit: WHO


We found that the claims made by Dolores Cahill are made in a long line of false and misleading claims surrounding Covid-19. Medical professionals and fact-checkers have routinely debunked the claims made by the former professor. She also has no association with the World Health Organisation, and WHO urges people to exercise caution while taking precautions such as maintaining a distance of one meter and using masks.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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