Fact Check
News Nation Airs Old Videos Of Destruction Caused By Typhoon Hinnamnor As Visuals; Viral Clips Are From 2018Image Credit: News Nation
Fact Check

News Nation Airs Old Videos Of Destruction Caused By Typhoon Hinnamnor As Visuals; Viral Clips Are From 2018

Jakir Hassan
13 Sep 2022 8:06 AM GMT

We found that the footage in the video dates back at least four years, to September 4, 2018. The footage shows the devastation caused by Typhoon Jabi in Japan.

Super Typhoon Hinnamnor, with winds of up to 241 kilometres per hour, has severely affected parts of Japan and South Korea. The category-5 hurricane caused the deaths of 10 people in South Korea, hundreds of people were displaced, and floods damaged at least eleven buildings.

Within this context, a Hindi news channel, News Nation, published a video report on its YouTube channel. The News Nation video allegedly shows footage of the devastation caused by Super Typhoon Hinnamnor.


The 6-minute video, published on September 6, 2022, shows an anchor talking about Super Typhoon Hinnamnor. The footage of the anchor is interspersed with footage from an environmental disaster.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian fact-check team verified the viral claim and found it to be misleading. The footage in the video dates back at least four years, to September 4, 2018.

We used InVid's Keyframe Analysis tool to isolate the keyframes of the viral video. Then we conducted a reverse image search on the isolated keyframes. We came across this video published by Miscelánea Noticias on September 5, 2018. The video contained the same footage as can be seen in the video report by News Nation.

Visual 1: Shed being pulled out by the winds

At the 4.23 mark in News Nation's video, the shed can be seen being uprooted by the winds. In the YouTube video, the same visual is noticed at the 0.04 mark in the video.

Image Credit: YouTube

Visual 2: Person on a bike losing balance and falling along with bike

News Nation showed a clip of a biker losing the balance of his bike and falling over at the 2.49 mark. We came across the same visual in two YouTube videos, one at the 0.39 mark and the other at the 0.43 mark.

Image Credit: YouTube

Visual 3: Video showing a car turning over

In the News Nation video, at the 2.50 mark, the footage of the car turning over can be seen. The same visuals can be seen in the YouTube video at the 0.42 mark.

Image Credit: YouTube

Visual 4: A roof of a house being ripped off

In the News Nation video report, a roof is ripped off by the heavy winds as the debris floats up in the air. News Nation included this footage at the 3.17 mark in their video report. The same footage is included in the YouTube video at the 0.08 mark.

Image Credit: YouTube

Visual 5: Roof of a warehouse being uprooted and destroyed

The warehouse roof is destroyed at the 3.46 mark in the News Nation video. Meanwhile, in the YouTube video, the footage can be seen from the 0.18 mark onwards.

Image Credit: YouTube


News Nation circulated footage of an environmental disaster claiming that it shows footage from Super Typhoon Hinnamnor.

In our Fact Check, we found that the footage in the video dates back at least four years, to September 4, 2018. The footage shows the devastation caused by Typhoon Jabi in Japan. Thus, we can ascertain that News Nation passed off old videos as recent footage of Typhoon Hinnamnor.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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