Fact Check
Fact Check

Fact Check: Tampered Video On PM Modi's Education Taken Out Of Context

The Logical Indian Crew
15 Jan 2020 10:37 AM GMT

A 30-second video clip only showing a part of Modi's old interview has gone viral on social media. The video falsely claims that Modi's education ended in High School.

A video clip showing Prime Minister Narendra Modi stating his educational qualifications has been going viral on social media for a while now.

The video has been shared by several pages, with over thirty thousand views.

The viral video is a 30-second clip which shows only a portion of the interview where Modi says that he left home at 17 and never had any proper education after that.

The video is being used to propagate the claim that Narendra Modi lied about his Educational Qualification.


Narendra Modi has admitted to not getting any education beyond class 10.

Fact Check:

The claim is misleading

Clip edited to falsely portray Narendra Modi's educational Qualification.

The original video from which this viral clip was taken is from an old interview of Narendra Modi back when he was the General Secretary of the BJP in the 1990s.

This interview is part of the programme 'Ru-Ba-Ru.'

The then journalist, Rajeev Shukla, asks Modi about his educational background in the interview.

Seconds after the viral video clip ends, Narendra Modi reveals that on suggestions of several well-wishers, he took correspondence courses.

"There was a Sangh worker on whose insistence I started giving external examinations. I did a BA from Delhi University through an external exam. He kept insisting, so I did a MA through an external exam. I had never seen a college gate," said Modi.

This particular part has been omitted from the tampered video clip.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's educational qualification has been rife with controversy. The inaccessibility of the official documents adds to the mystery of his educational background.

After accessing the original video, It can be confirmed that the video was cut short to mislead people regarding Narendra Modi's educational Qualification

Also read: Fact Check: No, Indira Gandhi Did Not Force Sitaram Yechury To Resign As JNUSU President

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