Fact Check
Fact Check: This Video Shows Muslims Vandalizing Railway Station For Disturbing Namaz? No, Viral Video Is Misleading!

Image Credit: Twitter

West Bengal
Fact Check

Fact Check: This Video Shows Muslims Vandalizing Railway Station For Disturbing Namaz? No, Viral Video Is Misleading!

Jakir Hassan
29 April 2022 11:46 AM GMT

The visual evidence and media reports indicate that the video shows a vandalization incident that took place during the anti-CAA protests in 2019.

A video of a group of men creating a ruckus and vandalizing a railway station has gone viral across social media. The video has gone viral in the context of recent rise in misinformation targetting Muslims after the Jahangirpuri violence.


The video shows a mob of men vandalizing a destroying the railway properties such as fans, doors, and partitions. The caption with the viral video reads:

"Mahishashur railway station in Murshidabad district of West Bengal destroyed by Harmfuls who say the train whistle disturbs their namaz. Truly 7th century cult. How can Hindus coexist with such intolerant people?"

Kreately Media, known for peddling fake news shared this video and asked Railway Minister to investigate the story. The wrote a caption which reads, "Mahishashur railway station in Murshidabad, #WestBengal gets destroyed. Alleged reason: Sound of trains disturbs general population while praying. Video: undated, credit resides with owner. Can @RailMinIndia @RailwaySeva please investigate & tell us the whole story?"

The video is viral across Facebook as well. A Facebook user wrote, "Mahishashur railway station in Murshidabad w.bengal being destroyed saying that sound of a train whistle is disturbing their namaz. We are able to see through the future of India. In order to save from serious legal actions, Muslims have designed their plans to get riots and destruction done by youngsters who can plead and claim benefits of the minority. This is not an isolated incident but just a trailer to show to the world at large how these peacekeeping preachers are unstoppable by government and law agencies."

It is being widely shared on Facebook and Twitter with a similar claim.

Image Credit: Facebook
Image Credit: Facebook

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian Fact Check team verified the viral claim and found it to be false. The viral video is available on the internet since 2019.

We observed the video carefully and noticed the name of the railway station. The station name read, 'Naopara Mahishasur' which is a station in Pilki, West Bengal.

We conducted a keyword search with the name of the station and came across a video uploaded on YouTube with the title "Indian Railway Station I Noapara Mahishasur NWMS".

From the 2.04 minute mark, the visuals can be seen which match up with the surroundings seen in the viral video.

Image Credit: YouTube
Image Credit: YouTube

Image Credit: YouTube
Image Credit: YouTube

After conducting a keyword search across Facebook with the keywords, 'Naopara Railway Station'. We came across Facebook posts which gave further visual evidence of the events that took place at the Naopara Railway Station.

Comparision (Credit: Facebook)
Comparision (Credit: Facebook)

We conducted a keyword search with the Bengali translation of Naopara Railway Station. On YouTube we came across this video with the translated title "Protest procession against CAB and NRC at Naopara Mahishasur station"

The video shows people destroying the railway station from a different angle.

We also came across a report by NTVWB News which gave more details into the incident. The translated title read as, "The railway line was removed at Naopara Mahishasur station."

The video gives more details about the events that led to the vandalizzation of the railway station. The incident seems to have taken place during the protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act in 2019.

In 2019, protests had erupted across West Bengal during the anti-CAA sentiment across the country. As per this The Print report, protestors set fire to 19 stations and 20 trains, vandalised ticket booking counters and destroyed railway tracks. Around 655 trains were cancelled in the state.

According to this report of Zee News dated December 2019, Railway Board Chairman VK Yadav stated that Indian Railways suffered a loss of over Rs 80 crore during the anti-Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) protests in West Bengal.

The Logical Indian Fact Check team could not independently verify the details of the incident that the video depicts. However, the visual evidence and media reports lead us to state that the video shows incidents from the anti-CAA protests that took place in West Bengal.


The caption claims that a Muslim mob vandalized a railway station in the Murshidabad district of West Bengal. The mob had damaged the station as it had disturbed their namaz.

In actuality, the visual evidence and media reports indicate that the video shows a vandalization incident that took place during the anti-CAA protests in 2019. The video is from the Naopara Railway Station located in Pilki, Murshidabad district in West Bengal. The vandalization was not carried out by upset and offended Muslims but anti-CAA protestors. Hence, the viral claim is false.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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