Fact Check
Old Video Of Muslim Russian Woman Being Beaten Up Shared With False Communal Claim

Image Credit: Twitter

Fact Check

Old Video Of Muslim Russian Woman Being Beaten Up Shared With False Communal Claim

Yukta Baid
17 May 2022 11:49 AM GMT

The video went viral on social media, with a claim that a Muslim woman in America was being beaten up by her brother for wanting to marry a non-Muslim man. However, we found the claim to be false.

Amongst tension between the religious communities in India, multiple out-of-context, false, and misleading videos are being shared on social media to polarise the society further.

A video going viral on social media recently has a similar narrative attached to it. In the video, a woman is being beaten up by a man as she continues to cry in a devastated manner. It is being claimed that the video is of a Muslim woman in the USA who is being beaten up by her brother for wishing to marry a man who is not a Muslim.

A Twitter user shared this, with the caption, "In [USA Flag emoji] Muslim girl gets beaten by brother for wanting to date non-Muslim guy."

Another Twitter user shared the same video with this caption, "#tejomahalaya

👇 ugly face of M🖕uslim community. Beating his sister who refused to go with him. In [USA Flag emoji] Muslim girl gets beaten by brother for wanting to date him."

Similarly, another Twitter user shared this with an added take, "In [USA Flag emoji] Muslim girl gets beaten by brother for wanting to date non-Muslim guy".

देखो इनकी असलियत , जो अपनो के नहीं हुए वो हिन्दुओं के कैसे होंगे

आंखे खोलो सेक्युलर हिन्दुओं 🙏" [Translation: See their reality, if they can't belong to their own, how can they be okay with Hindus. Open your eyes, secular Hindus.]

It is being shared on Facebook with the same claim.


A Muslim woman in America was being beaten mercilessly by her brother for wanting to date a non-Muslim man.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian Fact Check team verified the claim and found it to be false. The woman in the video is Russian, and her boyfriend, is Ukrainian. They are both Muslim, and from the same ethnicity, but the woman was being beaten up by her family when she tried to elope.

During the start of the investigation, we extracted different keyframes from this video using the InVid tool, we reverse-searched the images on Google Image Search and Yandex.

Through Google Image search, we were led to a July 5, 2021 article published by LIFE, a Russian news website. According to the article, the video is of a young woman in Krasnodar in Russia, who is being beaten up by her relative as she wanted to run away with a Ukrainian man.

Image Credit: LIFE

Image Credit: LIFE

Through Yandex, we were led to a Russian social media platform, VK, where one of the users had posted this video on July 6, captioning it "В Краснодаре избивали и унижали молодую цыганку, которая хотела сбежать к парню на Украину." [Translation: In Krasnodar, they beat and humiliated a young gypsy woman who wanted to escape to the guy in Ukraine.]

Image Credit: VK

In the article by LIFE, there was a screenshot of an Instagram post by 'insta.diva.shop' with a caption that stated that she was a close friend of the woman in the video. She was hoping that because of the post, the law would take necessary action. [Rough translation: Attention.!!! This girl is like a sister to me and she is very close to me, dear to me. It can't just stay like that. If I were punished in that city on the same day, this person would not be indifferent to me. I do not accept this, anything but this. The girl had only a father, she alone tried to earn money and provide for her father and nephews, but she didn't see the light of day. She fell in love with a guy and wanted to run away like many of you. I didn't have time to find her through the police and called her father. Distant relatives sent him home and taunted an innocent child until 5 am, this cannot go unpunished! If my father had done this, no one here would the right to judge, but not strangers who are neither the mother nor the father. Let's not let this go unpunished! And what the devils say that she allegedly ran away with her cousin, it's not true. Let their children die from little to much. They themselves run with their brothers and not only that, with everyone else and they don't look after themselves. That's my dear girl and I will not allow speaking of an innocent child as some are. Under God, wait for a little. Justice will be. God counts the tears!! I hope the case will be taken by the police prosecutor's office.]

Image Credit: LIFE

Fact check website BOOM got in touch with the owner of the Instagram account, Angelina, who confirmed that she was a close friend of the woman. She also confirmed that both the woman and her Ukrainian boyfriend were of the same religion and are of the same ethnicity (Crimean gypsies). She added that the brother had assaulted the woman because she was eloping with someone 'whose family was their enemy'.

The viral video is fromm 2021 and is from Russia. It shows a Muslim woman being beaten up by her brother for wanting to elope with a man who her family was against, but it wasn't on the basis of religion or any religious identity.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at +91 6364000343.

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