Fact Check
Fact Check: No, Viral Image Is Not Of The Boy Assaulted For Drinking Water In Ghaziabads Temple

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Fact Check

Fact Check: No, Viral Image Is Not Of The Boy Assaulted For Drinking Water In Ghaziabad's Temple

Yusha Rahman
15 March 2021 9:26 AM GMT

An old image of injury on the body of a 12-year-old boy from Yemen is being widely shared on social media with a fake claim of it being Asif's body after being brutally thrashed. The Logical Indian Fact-Check team debunked the claim.

On March 12, 2021, a video surfaced online showing a Hindu man thrashing a Muslim boy named Asif for drinking water in a temple in Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad district. Later, Ghaziabad police acted on the video and identified the man who thrashed the boy as Shringi Nandan Yadav, a Bhagalpur resident, Bihar. According to the police, Yadav was taken into custody, and a case was registered against him.

In the backdrop of the above incident, images of a child with severe injuries all over the body are being circulated with the claim that the images are of Asif. Netizens are sharing the image with the caption, which translates in English as, "Asif, if you were thirsty you should have visited a mosque, a church, a gurudwara or a hotel but not a temple, my brother. #DeshBadalRahaHai".

Link to the post can be seen here.

The post is viral on Facebook.

The post is also widely spread on Twitter.

The link to the post can be seen here.


The viral image shows the scarred body of Asif.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian did a reverse image search and found the same image was published by a Facebook user Amjad Nasser on October 9, 2020, much before the incident of assault on Asif. The caption is in Arabic, which roughly translates as, "Father brutally beats his son for education. Where is the state who should take action against the parents who torture their child with such cruelty? May Allah take revenge on you.

Link to the post can be seen here.

The image was also published on a website, Cratersky, on October 4, 2020. According to the site, a 12-year-old boy was ruthlessly beaten by his father in Al-Mahwit city of Yemen.

A media organisation, the Khabar Agency, also reported about the incident. While the report did not mention the exact reason for the father beating his son so ruthlessly, many speculated it was either due to his father's wife or his father forcing him to join Houthi militia's ranks, for which the boy refused. The eyewitness said that neighbours intervened and informed the authority; they also took the boy to the hospital for treatment.

Hence, an old image of Yemen has gone viral with the claim that it is of Asif after being beaten mercilessly.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

Also Read: Fact Check: Netizens Share An Image Claiming To Be Mosque Built By Bangladeshi Cricketer Shakib Al Hasan

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