Fact Check
Old Video Of Muslim Woman Doing Sit-ups Falsely Shared As MP Police Punishing Her For Pelting Stones At Hindus

Image Credit: Twitter

Madhya Pradesh
Fact Check

Old Video Of Muslim Woman Doing Sit-ups Falsely Shared As MP Police Punishing Her For 'Pelting Stones At Hindus'

Jakir Hassan
20 April 2022 12:03 PM GMT

Social media users while sharing this video claimed that the viral video is from Khargone, Madhya Pradesh where 'the Muslim woman in the footage pelted stones at Hindus and was punished by the police'. The Logical Indian Fact Check team verified the viral claim.

A video of a Burqa clad woman doing sit-ups is going viral on social media. In the viral video, a woman wearing a burqa can be seen doing sit-ups, probably in the form of punishment in front of a few policemen. It is being claimed that the viral video is from Khargone, Madhya Pradesh, and the Muslim woman in the footage pelted stones at Hindus and was punished by the police.

A Twitter user shared this video and wrote a caption in Hindi which reads, "बाबा से कम नहीं मामा कान पकड़ कर उठक बैठक करती हुई सलमा अब से पत्थर नही फेकेगी video मध्य प्रदेश के खरगौन का बताया जा रहा."

[English Translation: Mama is no less than Baba. Salma doing sit-ups while holding her ear will not throw stones from now on. The video is being told of Khargone of Madhya Pradesh.]

Another user wrote, सलमा हो या उसका बलमा. #योगी और #मामा राज्य में सबका पढा जाएगा कलमा।अपनी थकान मिटाने के लिए पुश अप करती हुई सलमा #DelhiRiots2022 #जागो_हिन्दू_जागो #jahagirpuri."

[English Translation: Salma or his Balma. In the Yogi and Mama rule, Everyone will have to read Kalma. Salma doing push-ups to remove her fatigue. #DelhiRiots2022 Wake up Hindus. #jahangirpuri.]

It is being widely shared on Facebook and Twitter with a similar claim.


Viral video of a woman doing sit-ups is from Khargone, Madhya Pradesh.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian Fact Check team verified the viral claim and found it to be false. The viral video is from 2020, Gujarat.

We extracted different keyframes from the viral video using the InVid tool and conducted a Google reverse image search in the initial investigation. It led us to a tweet dated back to May 2020 in which similar footage can be seen. It clearly suggests that the viral video is not shot after the Khargone violence.

On searching more, we found a similar image in a 2-year-old report of Divya Bhaskar in which it was told that the viral video is from Salbatpur fish market, Surat, Gujarat. According to the report, the woman violated the covid lockdown rules after which the police punished the woman by making her to do sit-ups. After the video went viral, many people objected over the police behaviour of treating the woman.

Image Credit: Divya Bhaskar
Image Credit: Divya Bhaskar

We also found the extended version of the viral video in a video report of a Gujarati based media channel named V News Surat dated 18 April 2020. The caption of the video reads in English, "The video of a woman doing situps in the Salabatpura area went viral when people in the city are being punished differently by the police for not following the lockdown." In this report, police punishing other people can also be seen.

Our investigation shows that the viral video is not from Khargone, Madhya Pradesh but from Surat, Gujarat. In the viral video, Surat police punished a woman for not following the Covid lockdown rules. The viral video is almost two years old and It has nothing to do with recent Khargone violence. Hence, the viral claim is false.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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