Fact Check
Fact Check: No, Ahmed Khan From Hyderabad Hasnt Been Appointed As Joe Bidens Political Advisor
Fact Check

Fact Check: No, Ahmed Khan From Hyderabad Hasn't Been Appointed As Joe Biden's Political Advisor

Yusha Rahman
17 Nov 2020 1:43 PM GMT

Images of Indian-American Ahmed Khan from 2015 meeting Joe Biden at his residence are being shared with the false narrative of Khan appointed as the political advisor to Biden.

Elections were held in the United States on November 3, 2020, for the 46th President of the nation. On November 8, media announced Joe Biden as the winner of the US Presidential elections 2020.

In the backdrop of this, photos of President-elect Joe Biden, his wife and Ahmed Khan, a former deputy executive director for the Joe Biden's political action committee 'Draft Biden 2016', have gone viral on social media with a claim that Ahmed Khan, a Muslim from India has been appointed as a political advisor to Joe Biden.

The image is getting viral on social media with the caption, "अमरीका के नए राष्ट्रपति Joe Biden ने भारतीय मूल के Ahmed Khan को अपना राजनितिक सलाहकार नियुक्त किया है। ग़ौरतलब है कि अहमद खान भारतीय है इनका का ताल्लुक़ हैदराबाद से है।" ( which translates in English as, 'America's new President, Joe Biden has appointed Indian-origin's Ahmed Khan as his political advisor. Here one thing to notice is that Ahmed Khan is an Indian and has his roots from Hyderabad.')


Joe Biden has appointed Ahmed Khan of Indian origin as his political advisor.

Fact Check:

The claim is false.

The Logical Indian did a reverse image search on Google and found the same photos were tweeted by Amjad Ullah Khan on December 15, 2015, with the caption, "Ahmed Khan, grandson of MBT founder Aman Ullah Khan, was a special guest at US Vice President Joe Biden's reception." Amjad Ullah Khan is the Spokesman of Majlis Bachao Tehreek (MBT), a political party in Telangana.

On further searching, we found Ahmed Khan's timeline on Facebook and the same photos were shared by him on December 11, 2015.

He had also shared another photo on the same date and from the same event with the caption, "Members of the Draft Biden 2016 team with Vice President Joe Biden and Dr Jill Biden at the Vice President's Residence."

He also shared another image with emotional quotes where he can be seen hugging Joe Biden.

We were also able to find another post by Ahmed Khan posted on Facebook in December 2015, where he posted a collage which had these images.

We also found the same image published on news website Muslim Mirror, published on December 15, 2015.

Thus the above images of Ahmed Khan are old images of 2015 when he and his Draft Biden 2016 team had gathered at the residence of Joe Biden when Biden was the Vice-President of America. In 2015, Barack Obama was the President of the United States.

Draft Biden 2016 was a PAC-team led by William Pierce to convince Joe Biden into Presidential race during US Presidential elections in 2016. Ahmed Khan was one of the members of the team.

Despite election technicalities of US because of which the official results of the United States are not yet announced, Joe Biden has been declared a winner by media as he has crossed the threshold of 270 seats across the US. Thus, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris who are expected to take oath as the new President and Vice-President of the United States respectively on January 20, 2021, have prepared their Advisory Board. In the list of members of Advisory Board, name of Ahmed Khan was not found.

Ahmed Khan confirmed to The Quint, that he is an Indian-American currently settled in Chicago and he is the grandson of Aman Ullah Khan, four times MLA from Hyderabad's Chandrayangutta Assembly. In the same report, Ahmed Khan denied the claims of his name suggested in the advisory board of Joe Biden. Ahmed Khan is currently working with Illinois State Senator Ram Villivalam's Multicultural Advisory Committee.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

Also Read: Fact Check: Donald Trump Shares Video To Push Claims Of Ballot Fraud

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