Fact Check
Video Viral Claiming Al Jazeera Director Pleaded Israel For Extra Time Before Al Jalaa Building Was Demolished

Image Credit: India.com

Fact Check

Video Viral Claiming Al Jazeera Director Pleaded Israel For Extra Time Before Al Jalaa Building Was Demolished

Yusha Rahman
22 May 2021 10:51 AM GMT

A video of the Al Jalaa building owner goes viral on social media as the Director of Al Jazeera pleading Israel's troop for extra time before they demolished the building.

On May 15, Israel did an air strike on the Al Jalaa building, which housed the offices of Al Jazeera and the Associated Press in the Gaza Strip, alleging that the tower housed Hamas offices.

In context to the above incident, a video has gone viral on social media where a man is seen making a phone call. Netizens are sharing the video with a claim that the man in the video is the Director of Al Jazeera Palestine, and he was begging for extra 10 minutes from an Israeli Army officer before the strike so the journalists could take out their equipment. The video is shared with the caption, "Director of Al Jazeera Palestine was begging for extra 10 minutes to Israel Army officer. But he refused to give any extra time and destroyed the Al Jazeera Building in Palestine in minutes. They asked them to evacuate the building first and then used GPS Coordinate guided Bombs to destroy the Al Jazeera Palestine Head office building. The punishment is for broadcasting Fake news about Israel. Now all the other Media Channel offices are careful about the News they are publishing about Israel. Hats off to Israel, their guts to attack with early warning, their weapon accuracy, technology and confidence."

The video is widely shared on Twitter.

Many Facebook users are also sharing the video.


The viral video shows the director of Al Jazeera Palestine asking for extra time before the destruction of the Al Jalaa tower.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian did a fact check and found the claim to be fake.

The strike on Al Jalaa was widely covered by many media organisations globally. Al Jazeera live-streamed the attack.

Al Jazeera also uploaded the viral video on its official Facebook page, but the details mention the man to be the owner of the Al Jalaa building, Jawad Mahadi, who was pleading an Israeli intelligence officer to allow some journalists to go back in so they could bring out some more equipment like cameras. The caption reads, "The owner of Gaza's Jala tower pleaded with an Israeli intelligence officer for more time to collect press equipment before he bombs it. Moments later, an Israeli air raid flattened the building that housed residential flats and media offices including Al Jazeera and AP."

The director-general of Al Jazeera Media Network, Dr Mostefa Souag, called the act an attack on media, "The aim of this heinous crime is to silence the media and to hide the untold carnage and suffering of the people of Gaza."

Israeli military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus rejected the notion that Israel was seeking to silence the media. He said to Reuters, "That is totally false, the media is not the target."

The office of the Associated Press, a media agency, was also there in the same building.

Al Jazeera also reported that the media organisations and other tower residents were given an hour time by the Israeli army to evacuate the building.

We were also not able to find any media reports of Al Jazeera spreading fake news against Israeli troop or the ongoing conflict that could result in the demolition of the building.

Boomlive has fact-checked the video earlier.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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