Fact Check
Video From Qatar Shared As People In Kerala Raising Pro-Palestine Slogans

Image Credit: India Today

Fact Check

Video From Qatar Shared As People In Kerala Raising Pro-Palestine Slogans

Yusha Rahman
22 May 2021 2:22 PM GMT

A video of Qatar where people from various nationalities gathered near Doha's Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab Mosque to hold a pro-Palestine protest has gone viral as of Kerala's Wayanad.

A video is viral where people can be seen holding a demonstration with Palestinian flags and raising Pro-Palestinian slogans in Malayalam. The video is shared with a caption that the video is from Waynad, Kerala, where people are supporting Palestine. The video is being shared with a caption, "This is not Gaza or Baghdad or Tehran. These pro-Hamas jehadis supporting Palestine are in Kerala's Waynad, Rahul Gandhi's constituency. This is virtually a pro-Hamas branch in India."

The video is also viral on Facebook.

Many Twitter users are also sharing the video.


The viral video is from Kerala, where people are raising pro-Palestinian slogans.

Fact Check:

The Logical Indian searched with the keyword, "Kerala supports Palestine," and found a YouTube video published on May 16, 2021, by MediaOne TV Live. The video was published with the title, "Thousands gather in Qatar to support Palestinians."

A minaret in the background of the video resembles the one in the viral video.

Further searches led to the YouTube channel Qatar Living, where a video was uploaded on May 16, 2021. According to the video description, people of different nationalities gathered on May 15, 2021, in the Imam Muhammad bin Abdulwahhab Mosque square to express solidarity with the Palestinian people against Israeli aggression.

A Facebook user Muzammi Nooyi Addoor shared the viral video with the caption, "Kerala Muslims supporting Palestine took a procession at Grand Mosque of Qatar.. !!"

India Today's AFWA team contacted the Malayalam community in Doha, who confirmed that the video in question is from Doha's Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab Mosque, which is also known as the Grand Mosque.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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