Fact Check
Old Image Of Rescue Operation In Philippines Shared As Evacuation Of Indians From Afghanistan

Image Credit: Twitter

Fact Check

Old Image Of Rescue Operation In Philippines Shared As Evacuation Of Indians From Afghanistan

Jakir Hassan
18 Aug 2021 11:22 AM GMT

The picture going viral with the claim of 800 Indians being evacuated from Afghanistan by the Indian Air Force is of people rescued from a cyclonic storm that hit the Philippines in 2013.

Taliban declared a complete seizure of Afghanistan on 15 August. Due to this, there is an atmosphere of fear in Afghanistan. A large number of people want to leave Afghanistan. Several videos of chaos at Kabul airport surfaced online. There were horrifying visuals in which people tied themselves to the wheels of an American plane that was taking off. Many Indian citizens were also stuck in Afghanistan. Many countries including India are engaged in trying to airlift their citizens from Afghanistan. In between all the chaos, an image is viral on social media. In the viral picture, hundreds of people sitting on the floor inside a plane can be seen. It is being claimed that Indian Air Force C17 evacuated 800 people from Afghanistan.

Facebook user Subodh Panigrahi while sharing this image wrote, "IAF C 17 with 800 people airlifted....a record. That's a train load almost. The previous highest was 670. This is from Kabul Airport this morning.....really praise worthy!!!".

It is being widely shared on Facebook and Twitter.

Image Credit: Screenshot/Facebook


A viral photo is of AIF C17 evacuating 800 people from Afghanistan.

Fact Check:

The viral claim is false.

On doing a google reverse image search, we found the same photo on the official website of the US Air Force. We found that the viral image is of November 17, 2013 and is from the Philippines. According to the information given on the website, this picture was taken when a storm named Haiyan hit the Philippines. At that time, more than 670 people were evacuated from there by C-17 Globemaster III aircraft. The credit of the photo has been given to the US Air Force.

Image Credit: Pacific Air Force

The C-17 aircraft of the Indian Air Force indeed evacuated Indians trapped in Afghanistan. On August 17, the aircraft landed in Jamnagar, Gujarat. But, the claim is false that the aircraft set a record by airlifting 800 people at a time. According to the report of the Hindustan Times, an aircraft of the Indian Air Force (IAF) returned to India from Kabul on Monday with 46 stranded Indian nationals. In a second batch, 120 Indian citizens have been safely evacuated from Kabul, including some officials, diplomats and journalists.

Image Credit: Hindustan Times

It is evident from the investigation that the picture going viral on social media is not of an Indian aircraft but of an American aircraft, and the photo was captured in Philippines in 2013. Hence, the viral claim is false.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

Also Read: No, CNN Did Not Praise Taliban For Wearing Masks During Afghan Seizure

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