Fact Check
Fact Check: Is There A Man-Sized Bat Flying Around?
Fact Check

Fact Check: Is There A Man-Sized Bat Flying Around?

Aditi Chattopadhyay
8 July 2020 12:14 PM GMT

The Logical Indian Fact check team investigates the claim that Human-sized bats have been spotted in the Philippines.

A photo of a gigantic bat from the Philippines is doing the rounds on Twitter.

The photograph which had earlier also gained momentum on social media platforms apparently to shows a "human-sized" bat hanging from a wire outside a building.

Twitter user '@AlexJoestar622' shared it on the microblogging platform on June 24.

"Remember when I told y'all about the Philippines having human-sized bats? Yeah, this was what I was talking about," reads the caption of the post.

The tweet has been liked over 270,000 times and retweeted more than 110,000 times.

Last year also the same image was doing the rounds:


Human-sized bats have been spotted in the Philippines.

Fact Check:

The claim is false. An animal of that stature actually exists but the impression of it being given by the photo is not correct.

While the exact species of the creature is unclear the general consensus is that the picture shows a giant golden-crowned flying fox or the golden-capped fruit bat, this species of megabat is endemic to the Philippines. However, the creature seen in the viral image doesn't appear to have the golden fur around its head.

According to a report on Snopes, the image could also show another species of megabat, called fruit bats or old world fruit bats, such as the Large flying fox (Pteropus vampyrus).

The photo was shared on Reddit sometime back.

The perspective in the viral shot makes the bat much far larger than it actually is. Flying foxes have wingspans of 1.7 metres (5.5 ft), their bodies are quite small, barely extending 30 centimetres in length (11.8 inches).

Below are pictures from other angles which was uploaded by the Reddit user along with the viral photo:

Flying foxes are frugivores, these bats noisily chatter while feasting on figs and other fruit at dusk, and roost in large treetop clumps during the day.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343

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